This is probably a bit out of our current technological range, but it can't be that far out there. Insert a camera, battery, and some kind of wireless transmitter into a polymer "eye". The outward facing portion of the eye could also serve as a collection area for solar power (as powering the thing
seems to be the biggest drawback I can think of...I'm sure you can think of more though ;p).
Now, anytime the blind person wants to know what he's looking at, you just transmit a signal to the eye to take a shot. The picture is routed into software capable of recognizing words, which is in turn routed to one of those portable braille machines with the movable pins.
This could allow a blind person to read books, or just get an idea of what kind of area of town he/she is in.
I'm sure they already have scanners that allow you to read a book, but I wanted something that could be implanted and left alone...plug and play if you will.
There's a very good chance we're not close enough with image recognition software, battery life, and efficient solar cells to make this work today, but it sure would be a great thing to have.