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Wiki trademark

A small W with a ring around.
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Whenever someone posts something on a website and is seemingly incredibly well informed, everything that is copied and pasted from wiki automatically gets an encircled W at the end.

Just so the can't pretend they knew it by heart.

zeno, Mar 14 2008


       Off the top of my head, the wiki software you're posting with could run your post through a search engine, and look through the results for similar texts on other websites - if there's a significant match, that part of your post gets marked.   

       [zeno], do you mean Wikipedia when you say wiki?
Srimech, Mar 14 2008

       What if you write something yourself which someone then posts to Wikipedia - would you then have to put a 'w' in a little circle after it?
hippo, Mar 14 2008

       Sounds like a bit of a 'lets all' for webmasters
hidden truths, Mar 14 2008

       You can watermark photographs. It would be nice if we could watermark textual postings, but I don't think there is any real way to do that. Then again, it's much easier to search for plagiarized text than plagiarized photographs.
DrCurry, Mar 14 2008

       This is probably going to get deleted due to being "lets all", but in response to DrCurry, there are some ways to sort of watermark text: Certain letters and numbers tend to look so much like each other that replacing them in spelling inappropriate ways could be used to mark the text without appearing to. An example probably explains it better:   

       Love them tigers! = Love thern tigers!   

       Open source = 0pen source   

       I love you = I 1ove you   

       and so on. These same sorts of replacements are commonly used by spammers to try to sneak past word fi!ters for commonly spammed items. e.g. that male erection stuff. 0ver the course of a few words, or in a headline or subject, there are sort of easy to see, but in a long bit of text, you can miss them pretty easily. (go back and look at the word "Over" in the last sentence, and the more obvious "filters" in the prior).   

       If the copied text has YOUR specific pattern of replacements (e.g. always replace the 3rd "O" with "0" and the 1st and 4th "l" with "1" and...) then you know it came from you. A script can easily parse the text, looking for these marks and ring a bell when it finds them.
James Newton, Mar 14 2008

       very good [srimech]. yes I mean wikipedia, thought it was the same thing.
zeno, Mar 15 2008

       The symbol would have to be a picture as it doesn't exist as a symbol. Most places where you post text, such as here, don't allow you to post inline pictures. Some places would let you put something like the tm in superscript, but not all.
marklar, Mar 15 2008

       zeno: a wiki is a type of website that anyone can edit. Wikipedia is simply the most well-known wiki.
dbmag9, Mar 16 2008

       There are services that serve JavaScript scripts that you can include on your webpages to prevent copying of text, or add a bit of text to whatever someone copies, so that it gets pasted with an attribution. However, and fortunately, they are trivial for users to block using any unwanted script blocking browser extension.   

       The "text watermarking" technique suggested by [JN] would easily be caught by a spelling checker. However, Unicode includes many glyphs that look practically identical to regular Latin letters, and spelling checkers may not know what to do with those. However, a tool could be created to undo this watermarking.   

       When people seem well-informed by referring to Wikipedia, don't they usually paraphrase anyway?
notexactly, Mar 18 2018


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