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Wi-Fi To-Do List

This should be incredibly easy to do, judging from existing apps
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I frequently find myself frustrated when I want to post an idea on the HB or look something up on the internet for a variety of reasons, yet have no data connectivity to do so. Sure, I can jot it down for later in my memo pad app, but that requires remembering to check the memo pad whenever I find myself in range of an open Wi-Fi network.

Now, there are already plenty of apps (on Android, anyway) that will sound an audible tone when an open Wi-Fi network is detected, but I don't always put 2 & 2 together (ie, there's something I've been meaning to do online for a while, but I forget about it and thus ignore the chance to hop online when the situation presents itself).

So I'd like a reminder/notepad app that sounds a notification of its own, and that notification is triggered automatically by the Wi-Fi network notification. This way I hear the Wi-Fi alert as well as a reminder to stop and USE the Wi-Fi while it's available.

(Note: in case you're wondering why I need even need Wi-Fi, I've decided to cancel my mobile carrier data plan temporarily to see if it's really worth paying for).

21 Quest, May 31 2012


       I've seen stuff like this - a sort of "Look Up List" where as you go about your day, you fill out a list of thoughts that you would have liked to have augmented with one or two facts. I solved the issue with something I started using a few years ago called a "Notebook", it's like a tightly packed array of disposable touchpads which, when brought into contact with either a "pen" or "pencil" (stylus type accessories available from some stores), records your thoughts using a protocol I've heard described as "words and pictures". I've found that these devices come in a variety of sizes, some of which are quite pocketable. By attaching a suitably smart phone to the notebook by means of an elastic band, you ought to be able to take advantage of both the wi-fi sniffing capabilities and also the datastorage facility provided by the notebook in a single, neat package. ;)
zen_tom, May 31 2012

       Sounds good, [zen] - what's the battery life ?
8th of 7, May 31 2012

       Not long, when you catch up with the salesman and enact a little battery of your own.
UnaBubba, May 31 2012

       ZT, as I've said in the post, I have a notepad app. Jotting down the idea for future use isn't the issue. The issue is remembering to check the notepad every time a Wi-Fi network becomes available. With the app I envision, I would hear the alert tone indicating an open network is available, then, immediately after that, a different tone would sound to indicate there are things on my Wi-Fi To-Do List. As soon as I unlock the screen on my smartphone or tablet, that list would appear on-screen (post 'Wi-Fi To-Do List' on Halfbakery, upload pic of dogs playing tug of war to Facebook, Copy/paste the Pythagorean Theroem into an anno to prove Maxwell Buchanan wrong about X, etc...)
21 Quest, May 31 2012

       You could set an alarm on your smartphone, to remind you to crosscheck the Notepad list, whenever it detects a Wi-Fi network. That would work.
UnaBubba, May 31 2012

       That's the whole point of the idea. A reminder to check the Notepad list that is triggered by Wi-Fi connection.
21 Quest, Jun 01 2012


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