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Another unuseful improvement to human communication
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Extend the double blue ticks functionality of whatsapp to the phone ring. If the accel sensor detects movements while ringing, notify the calling part that the receiver doesn't want to hear you.

--- Edit (Now more understandable ! Original untouched) :

Extend the double blue ticks functionality of whatsapp to the phone. (Don't "whatsapp double blue ticks" at the other side of the world ?) If the phone rings for a while and you don't answer, and the acceleration sensor included in the phone detects some hand movements, this app or program, or whatever, will assume that you are alive, but you don't want to hear the calling person.Then, it will send a notification (whatsapp, sms, or email) informing to the caller that you don't want to hear him/her

piluso, Nov 14 2014


pocmloc, Nov 14 2014

       So, if I'm walking, and the phone rings...
RayfordSteele, Nov 14 2014

       // So, if I'm walking, and the phone rings... //a clever algorithm computes your velocity, and check your movements, so only sends the notification if you move the phone to see the number and you don't answer. There are a lot of room for improvements, like pick up the background noise and using the camera.
piluso, Nov 14 2014

       This idea could benefit from translation into a known language of sorts.
FlyingToaster, Nov 14 2014

       I don't think we can say whether it would be beneficial until we see the translation. Some things are better when they're incomprehensible.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 14 2014

       // Some things are better when they're incomprehensible // Great thought ! (I don't understand you)   

       marked-for-tagline anyway
piluso, Nov 14 2014

       That might be worthy of being marked-for-tagline.
Vernon, Nov 15 2014

       I prefer it as it is.
not_morrison_rm, Nov 15 2014

       //Some things are better when they're incomprehensible
- Marked for Tagline

       Although this idea is comprehensible in both its editions.
pashute, Nov 17 2014


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