Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Whale Barnacle Removal Yacht Club

Do something useful with those yachts.
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First: Drop the stupid silent ch and start spelling it yots.

Second: Meet regularly with wales and have a safe mechanism to scrape the barnacles off them.

If I was stupid rich with a big stupid yot this is what I'd do a couple of weekends a month.

doctorremulac3, Sep 25 2024

Let's put our yots to good use. https://fb.watch/uPJG2xNK1w/
[doctorremulac3, Sep 25 2024]

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       Ackchually, how cool would this be? Around the word wale excort tours? Do the barnacle thing and escort them around the ocean.   

       Eh, might screw things up. Disregard.
doctorremulac3, Sep 25 2024


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