Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Weeble Lamp

An Unbreakable Lamp
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What if you stuck a bottom-heavy weighted ball on the bottom on a lamp, so it could never fall over and break, like a weeble-wobble or one of those punching clown things.
MikeOxbig, Nov 23 2005

Wobble lamp. http://images.googl...en%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Nov 25 2005]

Seek and ye shall find http://www.amazon.c.../product/B00076ENFU
Meant for industrial use. [DrCurry, Nov 25 2005]


Here's one that self weebles [link]

       I think that the young ones (no, not Vivian, Neil, Mike, and Rick) might decide its a challenge, and create special ways to destroy these lamps.
sleeka, Nov 25 2005

       This is Baked for industrial uses - see link - but I'd still to see one that looks like a Weeble. (Well, actually, we own several that look like weebles, but they aren't meant to roll.)
DrCurry, Nov 25 2005

       You know, now that I think about it, I never had any toy weebles. Poor me.
MikeOxbig, Dec 18 2005


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