Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Cogito, ergo sumthin'

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Wearable Bin

For your rubbish, of course!
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Idea by Mrs. P.

To save reaching over for the waste bin. A bin which straps to your body or clothes. Easy to empty.

pocmloc, Jan 03 2011


       my ex adored me - he put me on a pedal-bin
po, Jan 03 2011

       I think this is one for the "bat belt": a pouch big enough to carry an empty soda/beer can or two.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2011

       [FT}, Mrs. P. says she had in mind something bigger and more inconvenient.
pocmloc, Jan 03 2011

       I'm sticking with small'ish and unobtrusive: it'd be perfect for walks outside of public bin territory, and for putting semi-wastepaper (bus transfers and the like).
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2011

       // Mrs. P. says she had in mind something bigger and more inconvenient //   

       [pomloc], run. Run now. Run as fast as you can, and don't look back. Run, if you want to live.
8th of 7, Jan 03 2011


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