Irrespective of the mix of items they are required to clean, the filters on all washing machines collect large quantities of the same bluish-grey-purple fibrous gunge.
At intervals, operators of such appliances are obliged to clean the filter/strainer unit to prevent an unpleasant failure.
residue is generally discarded.
This seems unduly wasteful.
We propose a scheme whereby the shape and size of filters is standardized. Simply take your loaded filter to your local recycling machine and load it into the receiver. The machine backflushes the filter, collects the fibres, and returns your now-pristine device.
The fibres are collected, dried, sterilized, and then respun into yarn, which is used to weave "eco-friendly" bluish-grey-purple fabric, which is then converted into new clothing by underpaid very young children working in atrociously dangerous conditions of near-slavery in a hot country far away, then retailed at an extortionate markup by a chain of morally-dubious High Street stores.