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Wall Burner

secure storage
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Invention: infrared burnable thin clear paint with infrared-fluorescent dye mixed in, accessible with a 2-power infrared laser and photocell.

Translation: Wall=secret hard drive

It would have a SEP field as long as it's use was not widely known.

mr2560, Oct 14 2003

SEP field http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEP_field
[mr2560, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Wall burner laser beam director mechanism http://www.ultravires.net/walldrv.jpg
[mr2560, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

2D barcode http://www.adams1.c...russadam/stack.html
Embedded reference points are easy. [darksasami, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       Regardless of what frequency does the burning, you'll still see the burn marks, no? Might be better simply to change the color slightly. Most people won't notice an array of very tiny dots.   

       You'll need a reference point for the read/write head and some way of focusing it dynamically.
phoenix, Oct 14 2003

       Not worried about reference points. If you open a book to a random page you can still read and understand the meaning of the words, and you will know what page number you are on also.
mr2560, Oct 14 2003

       Wall steganography.
krelnik, Oct 14 2003

       Yes, but you're human. I can't point a disassembled CD-ROM laser at a CD and expect anything useful.
phoenix, Oct 14 2003

       Then I guess you can't work the bar code scanner at the grocery checkout either. BTW, I made something like this already and it works. Does that mean it's too baked for the halfbakery?
mr2560, Oct 14 2003

       Pictures please.
Worldgineer, Oct 14 2003

       Don't mind sharing this one... It's not as disruptive as my 3D Kube solution. What you see (in link) is laser beam bouncing off of 2 mirrors with homemade "meter movements" on them which is capable of scanning a wall and positioning the dot almost anywhere on it, so it can be read by a photocell with a filter.
mr2560, Oct 14 2003

       Very nice.
Worldgineer, Oct 14 2003

       Yeah...bar code scanner...grocery store...ha ha ha.   

       Tell you what, take your scanner away for the afternoon. I'll rearrange the furniture. You come back and set up your scanner. Then let's see how well it works. I promise not to touch the walls.
phoenix, Oct 14 2003

       Oh Pardon me! Is this the half-breakery?
mr2560, Oct 14 2003

       I think this is a really cool start, but I fail to see a realistic application ... granted that wouldn't keep me from buying one ... I'm not voting seeing as how I have NO expertise in this region ...
Letsbuildafort, Oct 15 2003

       Thanks mom, but I still don't believe...
phoenix, Oct 16 2003

       So you paint the wall with a clear paint, that fluoresces under IR. Then you burn data in, using the high-power setting (destroying the fluorescence) and then you read it out by going over it with the low-power IR-laser and reading out the visible(?) pattern of fluorescence? Did i get it right? Would not the pattern be visible anyways, because daylight has quite a bit of IR in it, so it would fluoresce all the time?
loonquawl, Apr 23 2009

       I don't think the secrecy aspect is a big deal. Just use encryption if it's a problem.   

       Regarding reference points etc, it's not an issue either.   

       I think this is a very neat idea indeed, and I would like to know precisely why it was not brought to my attention sooner.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 24 2009

       I was perusing wikipedia's articles about the various forms of 2-D barcode, dataglyphs and what have you recently. This is genius.   

       If you were to actually use steganography algorythms, the data could be encoded in a visually appealing image of your choice, creating a subtle piece of wall art. [+]
BunsenHoneydew, Apr 25 2009


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