Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Replace "light" with "sausages" and this may work...

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Wakeup klaxon for airtraffic controlers

A code activated klaxon used by pilots to wake up a sleeping controller
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Saves embarrassment for everyone.
ldischler, Apr 13 2011

my favorite "klaxon" http://www.youtube....SN0&feature=related
[dentworth, Apr 15 2011]

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz http://www.domain-b...trollers_sleep.html
[po, Apr 15 2011]

or this http://www.ncbi.nlm....gov/pubmed/7661838
[mouseposture, Apr 16 2011]

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       Perhaps we could work out something involving hydrogen...
Alterother, Apr 15 2011

       Because air traffic controllers aren't stressed enough.
Voice, Apr 15 2011


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