Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Full charge notifier
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Not just for cell phones! The Wagger waves the charging cable when fully charged. No buzzing, no blinking, no wimpy battery icon. The charging cable will wave around and because it is using wall power, does not affect the full charge.
minoradjustments, Jun 25 2024

"Wagger" as archaic slang https://www.oxfordh...iversity/slang.html
already deemed a bad idea by 1895 [pertinax, Jun 27 2024]


       The cable... wags the phone?
Loris, Jun 25 2024

       It wouldn't knock everything off the night stand at once - you'd hear the cord flipping, then one thing goes, more flips, something heavier, more flips, finally the phone goes, then the whap - whap of the cord against the wall (I'm certain the phone went down behind the night stand).   

       It would be like having a cat pushing all your stuff over the edge.   

       (in memoriam: #include <EOSSACR.H>)
lurch, Jun 25 2024

       Would make car parks with electric car charging points much more interesting
pocmloc, Jun 25 2024

       If unattended the Wagger goes into “angry sperm” mode and tries to wrench the charging cable out of the wall, being very environmentally conscious. And entertaining.   

       The military version waits for an opportune moment to trip or garrote the enemy thief trying to take your stuff. An evil laugh emanates from the phone in this suicide mission.
minoradjustments, Jun 26 2024

xenzag, Jun 27 2024

       Induction charging takes all the fun out. Maybe work something up for induction charging with maglev? Extendable limb? Breakdance when fully charged?
minoradjustments, Jun 29 2024


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