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Vote Dinosaur

elect a dinosaur
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Many politicians are referred to as dinosaurs. I have often pointed out to those who make this (unfair) comparison that the dinosaur was one of the most successful species that ever lived, and was around for nearly 100 million years. They were only wiped out by a catastrophic event over which they had no control. We, on the other hand, are busy wiping ourselves out and everything else that lives in a mass extinction, through our own collective greed, arrogance and stupidity.

In view of this conclusion I want to able to Vote Dinosaur and with any luck see many dinosaurs elected to positions of power.

The process is simple. Dinosaur candidates are allowed to be placed on election ballot papers and people can choose to vote for them if they want. They might even have policies - such as giant outdoor mudholes to be constructed (The Brontosaurus candidate) or all electricity to be transmitted below ground with no more pylons and wires (by the Pterodactyl).

The point is that all politicians are idiots - need any proof? - just look around. So when idiocy is the game, why not join in and enjoy it. Who wouldn't want to see a Stegosaurus running a government department like Agriculture?

With its wallnut sized brain, the average dinosaur is 1,000 times smarter than any politician, so Vote Dinosaur!!

xenzag, Aug 20 2022

Debates would be interesting https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwIbwTJbzI/
Until one candidate bites the other’s head off [a1, Aug 20 2022, last modified Dec 04 2022]


       You're free in most countries to write in a protest vote, be it for a dinosaur, a snack food, or the cutlery of your choice. I usually vote for an annoying rodent with large ears and obvious corporate backing. No, the other one.
Voice, Aug 20 2022

       Yes but they have to be on the ballot paper and the current rules (in the UK anyway) do not allow non human life forms to be candidates.
Vote Dinosaur - The Hoaxasuarus Party - everything is a hoax.
xenzag, Aug 20 2022

       //The point is that all politicians are idiots//. Politicians are voted in by voters. More voters vote for each politician than for anyone else standing for election. This tells you something about the general tolerance of, admiration for, or levels of, idiocy, in the general population.
pocmloc, Aug 20 2022

       //the dinosaur was one of the most successful species that ever lived, and was around for nearly 100 million years. They were only wiped out by a catastrophic event over which they had no control.//   

       Um... so 'dinosaur' isn't a species. It's a clade (a group with a common ancestor). Many species.
And birds are descended from one type of dinosaur, so they've not been wiped out either.
Loris, Aug 20 2022

       If you believe that all politicians are morons, there is nothing stopping you from going into politics yourself, and showing them how it's done.   

       You may find that it's harder than it looks. [-]
pertinax, Aug 20 2022

       // birds are descended from one type of dinosaur //   

       So politicians are bird brains? That works too.
a1, Aug 20 2022

       //If you believe that all politicians are morons….// I would prefer teaching pigeons how to operate trains. Being a moron is a necessary characteristic to possess in order to become a politician. It’s like having wings is for being a bird. If you have no wings, you can’t be a bird. In the same way, if you’re not a moron, you can’t be a politician.
xenzag, Aug 22 2022

       // if you have no wings, you can’t be a bird. //   

       Yep, look at the Moa. Hunted to extinction, kinda like honest and intelligent politicians.
a1, Aug 22 2022

       Seriously, politicians are being hunted? Where?
pashute, Aug 23 2022

       // hunted? where? //   

       Metaphorically. Politicians who speak the truth are often voted out of office because lies are powerful and the truth has trouble competing - or even surviving.   

       Though at the risk of real provoking political arguments. I could also point to organized, violent acts against politicians in the USA in recent years. Wants some? Once I get started it might overwhelm this conversation.
a1, Aug 23 2022

Voice, Aug 23 2022

       I didn't think so. Give me credit at least for restraint, as I did not just start posting examples. Kinda like salty snacks, once you start it's hard to stop.
a1, Aug 23 2022


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