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Voice Activated Spot Remover

Out Spot. Out.
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I don't really understand how spots appear on my clothing and other things I use and own. Yet, they do. What I propose is a voice activated spot remover where the spot disappears as soon as I say the magic words: "OUT SPOT. OUT". The way it works is with use of magnetic dyes with molecules designed to resonate at controlled audio frequencies, in such a way that they will change polarity when confronted with a series of audio waves, becoming repellant to non-incorporated chemicals causing spots, such as coffee and ketchup stains. Treating the fabric with these dyes would revolutionize the fabric cleaning industry.
el dueno, May 23 2015

Shakespearean reference http://dictionary.r...e/out,+damned+spot!
From the classics [csea, May 23 2015]

Want a tough stain out? https://www.youtube...watch?v=aWhNhbRIIAQ
Shout it out. [2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 23 2015]


       The only problem with this idea is the but that says //The way it works is with use of magnetic dyes with molecules designed to resonate at controlled audio frequencies, in such a way that they will change polarity when confronted with a series of audio waves, becoming repellant to non-incorporated chemicals causing spots//.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 23 2015

       The only other problem with this idea is that it relies on magic words without invective. Shakespeare had it right. [Link]
csea, May 23 2015

       Ah, so it was _you_ who was away the day they taught basic scansion and rhyming!
MaxwellBuchanan, May 23 2015

       Spot the dog was a naughty dog. Spot pooed on the rug. Out, Spot! Out!
pocmloc, May 24 2015

       Well at least it's not in other:general.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 24 2015


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