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Velcro seizure pillow with rubber bit

for when there is no one to hold them.
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If you’ve ever known an epileptic, or someone with violent seizures on a daily basis (my cousin has this problem) you know they often need someone to brace them during the seizure (depending on the type) so they don’t get hurt. If no one is around they might just wedge their body in the couch or a large soft chair, but this has some drawbacks since they could fall off…

So what about a kind of Velcro shawl (think of a big band that could go around the shoulders and fasten without aid from another person in the front.) Also, there is a pillow on the front (to brace against the floor) and a plastic bit to prevent chipped teeth.

It can be put on quickly in one easy to learn motion.

futurebird, Mar 18 2003

Inflatable boxing gloves http://www.mnintern...eID/372/iStartPos/1
[bungston, Oct 05 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Airbag protection device http://www.flatoday...ies/1996/mpath3.mov
In this movie, imagine that instead of the Mars Pathfinder, it is an epileptic person wearing protective gear. [bungston, Oct 05 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Artists conception of Inflatable Protective Suit. http://www.adage.co...cs/icon_michman.gif
[bungston, Oct 05 2004]

Epilepsy uk http://www.epilepsy.org.uk/
[sufc, Oct 05 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       seriously, some sort of air bag - these attacks come on quickly. +1 for bringing it to our attention.
po, Mar 18 2003

       My cousin knows a few moments before one starts, if no one is around she might get hurt panicing and looking for someone.
futurebird, Mar 18 2003

       How about an anchored brace with Velcro straps? Sort of like a DIY crucifix, but more comfortable? And how come you never reply to emails?
DrCurry, Mar 18 2003

       A more practical solution would be a set of inflatable clothing, along the lines of Socker Boppers (amazingly I could find no picture of these on the web). I envision inflatable gloves and booties, inflatable rings for over the thighs and forearms, and most importantly a huge inflatable helmet. When the Fit-Alarm Dog (another idea I have yet to post) starts barking, alerting that a seizure is on the way, the epileptic quickly slips on the balloon gear - and is then protected from further harm! However - it might take a while to inflate and pull these contraptions on - a better solution would be to wear deflated gear at all time, then inflate all articles on demand using airbag type technology. Dang, this is good enough to be a seperate idea! The Inflatable Protective Suit could also be used for persons working dangerous jobs like window washers or mountain climbers. If they fell or otherwise came into harms way, they could deploy their balloon gear and bounce to safety.
bungston, Mar 18 2003

       I spent the last 8 years untill July last year caring for people wih Epilepsy.It effects about 1 in 200 people to some extent although it can be argued that we are all effected in some way. Daydreaming can be seen as an absence siezure and an orgasam can be seen as another form of Epilepsy.I'm not trying to be funny about this.If you look at Sun(not the paper)you will probably sneeze.Sounds stupid I know but this could be called photo-sensitive Epilepsy.All Epileptics need to try to understand their siezures and the triggers leading up to the siezure.I encouraged people to carry a diary and discribe their seizures and what they were doing to see what patterns emerged. Prevention is better than cure.There are over 40 different types of Epilepsy,some vary rare, some very common,some caused by head injuries,some caused by lack of Oxygen at birth,some caused by photo-sensitive reactions.The worst type I have come across was somebody who only had a siezure when he was exited and happy.It was a horrible curse,everytime something good happened to him something bad happened at the same time.He now lives his life been "not bothered "about anything which has led him down a path to depression.But I digress.There has been a massive leap forward in the treatment of Epilepsy over the last 10 years.With new imaging systems ,new medications and a much more "Person centred" approach.Each person has a specific problem and it needs treating in a specific way.The people around the person also need to understand what is happening, how to deal with the situation and also how to prempt the siezures.I've included a couple of links.Hope they are useful.Two things you should never do is restrain somebody having a siezure or put anything in their mouth to stop them swallowing their tounge
sufc, Mar 18 2003


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