Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Nice swing,
no follow-through.

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Uphill bowling

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Bowling alleys should be made with an incline, so you have to bowl uphill. This would require greater skill and add a frisson of much-needed peril to the sport, with the risk that the bowling ball rolls back down the bowling lane and breaks your ankles.
hippo, Apr 15 2016

Rollerball https://en.wikipedi...lerball_(1975_film)
All the entertainment of soccer, but with less violence … [8th of 7, Apr 16 2016]

Getty Stock image http://www.gettyima...hotography/73667773
uphill bowling [xenzag, Apr 16 2016]

DongPing Lake https://goo.gl/maps/2viCKNhjFLn
Because I couldn't find Slo Ping Lake [Canuck, Apr 17 2016]


       //the risk that the bowling ball rolls back down the bowling lane and breaks your ankles//   

       Over here, I suspect that the smarter members of our bowling fraternity would step out of the way.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 15 2016

       // the smarter members of our bowling fraternity //   

       Go away, and think carefully about what you just wrote. Go on, off you go.   

       // the bowling ball rolls back down the bowling lane and breaks your ankles //   

8th of 7, Apr 15 2016

       A slight incline just isn't sufficient. I would recommend a curved track, that starts off level, slopes upwards and bends all the way back in a semicircle, with the pins held in place directly above the bowler's head. Failing to throw the ball hard enough could be fatal, adding a much-needed survival-of-the-fittest element to the game.
mitxela, Apr 15 2016

       OR you could have the ability to carom the ball off the side of the lane (bumpers protecting the gutters), leading it to go AROUND the pins and then drop DOWN THE SLOPE, hitting them "from behind" as it were...
smendler, Apr 15 2016

       Breathless reporter: "Things were going so well the the Canadian team before three of them suffered a freak bowling injury that spared the French team further embarrassment."
popbottle, Apr 16 2016

       Love the visual and i despise bowling. Win-Win.
blissmiss, Apr 16 2016

       // Failing to throw the ball hard enough could be fatal //   

       Bowling attire would change overnight from polo shirts and slacks to steel-toed boots and body armor. +
whatrock, Apr 16 2016

       Rollerball … doubleplusgood.   

8th of 7, Apr 16 2016

       All the incline-and-bank frustrations of mini-golf with the heavy weight of a bowling ball...assuming it's indoors, so suitable for play throughout all four seasons*...Bun. No question.   

       *four seasons in Canada: Winter, Still Winter, Bugs, Construction.
Sgt Teacup, Apr 16 2016

       [Ian] It would work for crown green bowling too.
[Sgt Teacup] In the Canadian winter, replace this with uphill curling.
hippo, Apr 16 2016

       Yes, all you need is to find a sloping lake* to freeze ....   

       * Much entertainment is predicted from watching a mob of mouth-breathing Neanderthal Canucks scouring the landscape for a sloping lake**   

       ** Actually, you could just run a Zamboni over part of a glacier, but that wouldn't be so amusing.
8th of 7, Apr 16 2016

       A bowling version of minigolf would be fun.
Voice, Apr 16 2016

       It's called "snooker" ...
8th of 7, Apr 16 2016

       Sorry, 8th, no sloping lakes here. However, there is a Dongping Lake in China [link].   

       I used to bowl, but I gave it up for sex because the balls are lighter and you don't have to wear special shoes.
Canuck, Apr 17 2016

       // Sorry, 8th, no sloping lakes here. //   

       Made you look ... hahahaha.
8th of 7, Apr 17 2016

       // Go away, and think carefully about what you just wrote. Go on, off you go. //   

       (looks to see where [Max] goes off to when he thinks carefully)
whatrock, Apr 17 2016

       It's a dark place you don't want to be, believe us. Particularly when he's in there, "thinking".   

       But the books of cartoons, particularly the Gary Larson ones, are pretty good.   

       That stuff tucked behind the radiator is the Intercalary's stash of deviant pornography. Best leave it there. He thinks no-one knows, and besides, it's pretty nasty stuff.
8th of 7, Apr 17 2016

       "That stuff tucked behind the radiator"
Ahh, that's just the decoy stash, meant to be found with only a little difficulty. The good stuff is hidden elsewhere...
neutrinos_shadow, Apr 18 2016

       The 3d track bowling concept would be great for one of the physics engine games popular for ipad. It could be called "English" and in addition to imparting a vector force, would be all about putting spin on the rolling ball such that it would negotiate the turns and curves.   

       I do not know what the english call english. Spin, maybe? I very much hope the english have an equivalent for "body english" which is a wonderful concept. Useful too.
bungston, Apr 18 2016

       // I do not know what the english call english. //   

       Or, it would seem, the importance of correctly capitalizing proper nouns ...   

       Sp.,Gr. "I do not know what the English call 'english'."   

       For your information, the English call it:   

       "This royal throne of kings, this scepter’d isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England."


       // Spin, maybe? //   

       It's used in bowling cricket balls. Heavy, smooth, very hard, hurt a lot when they hit you. You should remember that. You really should. Think about how much it's going to hurt.   

       // I very much hope the english have an equivalent for "body english" which is a wonderful concept. Useful too. //   

       ... and there's that missing capital 'E' again .... after the cricket balls comes the vicious prolonged kicking with the spiked boots. Big heavy boots. Long, sharp metal spikes. Lots of them. Ooooh, lots. Ever so sharp.
8th of 7, Apr 18 2016

       // Sorry, 8th, no sloping lakes here. //

There must be sloping lakes - otherwise how would people water-ski?
hippo, Apr 19 2016

       By pushing really hard with the poles, of course ...
8th of 7, Apr 19 2016

       /There must be sloping lakes/   

       Around here, a lot of water slops up over the edge of the lake. Especially when it is windy, or someone comes waterskiing by.
bungston, Apr 19 2016

       // after the cricket balls comes the vicious prolonged kicking with the spiked boots. Big heavy boots. Long, sharp metal spikes. Lots of them. Ooooh, lots. Ever so sharp. //   

       I think we know what [8th] wants for Christmas. They will go nicely with his disruptor arm and ocular implant. Can someone tell [Sorta Claus]?
whatrock, Apr 19 2016

       It's obvious, we just need to spin a lake so that it assumes a parabola when it freezes.   

       Ice hockey would be interesting...
8th of 7, Apr 20 2016

       That's not a disaster, that's an all round success.
8th of 7, Apr 20 2016

       //Wait, I presumed all along we were talking about Crown Green Bowling//   

       All these attempts to make 10-pin bowling more complex seem silly when crown green bowling has more complexity than you'd ever need. The crown means up, down or up then down profiles available. The asymmetric weighting of the ball adds a range of bi-directional exponential-like curves to the potential ball paths.   

       A dozen years ago, after a total thrashing and over a few pints of bowling club-subsidized bitter, it was explained to me that crown green bowls shared quite a lot in common with the aiming of 500lb bombs from a Lancaster. As if the sport needed any more cool.
bs0u0155, Apr 20 2016

       Isn't that like skeeball?
Madcat, Apr 25 2016

       Wouldn't the pins tumble down after the ba ...

Letsbuildafort, Apr 26 2016

       Uphill... both ways.   

       //crown green bowling//   

       Is that that sortof odd summer derivative of curling where the players aren't professional janitors and have enough money to afford an actual ball?
RayfordSteele, Apr 28 2016


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