Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Unfindable Idea

Write an idea using only words that can't be searched for
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If you try to use the halfbakery search page to search for a query consisting entirely of "stop words", it will give you this message:

// The halfbakery is too large to scan completely for every search. Instead, a word-indexed table helps narrow down the search to a few likely candidates. Stop words are words that are so frequent and mean so little, it's not worth keeping track of where they appear.

Since your query contained only stop words, the halfbakery cannot narrow down its search; scanning through all the documents would take too long.

To work around this, try to think of a less generic word that is likely to appear in the text you're looking for. You can leave the stop words in; the halfbakery simply needs one word that isn't a stop word.

The halfbakery stop words are: a able about actually after again against all already also always am among an and another any anyone anything are around as at away back be because been before being better between both br but by can can't com come could course did didn't do does doesn't don't done down during each either else enough etc even ever every few for from get gets give go going good got had has have having he her here his how however http https i i'd i'll i'm i've idea if in into is isn't it it's its just keep know last later least less let like long lot made make makes making many may maybe me might more most much must my near need never new next no non not now of off old on once one only or other our out over own people probably put quite rather really said same say see seen she should since so some someone something sort still such sure take than that that's the their them then there there's these they they're thing think this those though through time to too try under until up us use using very want was way we well were what when where which while who why will with without would wouldn't www you you'd you're your. //

Therefore, this idea is to write and post an idea using only the words in that list of stop words. Such an idea would not be findable using the halfbakery search page (though it would still be findable using external search engines, the relevant category listing, and views that it matches).

N/A [2019-08-31]

notexactly, Aug 31 2019

Linkorama The inspiration for this idea was [Shz]'s link there, and the discussion of it. [notexactly, Aug 31 2019]


       I really don't think this is possible. At some point the text of the idea has to be specific. Then again, an almost nonexistent nebulous description of the idea, using stop words, could work but the idea specificity would have to be implied by link or category.
wjt, Aug 31 2019

       Use of stop-words and search always makes me think about the band "The The" which must either be very difficult to find, or be the source of countless exception-lines of code across the internet.
zen_tom, Aug 31 2019

       'The The' could be handled as a bi-gram as long as stop word removal is not done.
DenholmRicshaw, Aug 31 2019

       You can't make so much as an intelligible sentence without a noun. "I", "all", "people", "you", "he", "her", "me", and "it" are the only nouns I see in that list.   

       edit: "we" and "one"
Voice, Aug 31 2019

       Yes, my point exactly. That's a lot of its, other its or the use of another it. Also a lot of aquatic and airbourne vehicles named she/he, depending on your focus.
wjt, Aug 31 2019

       Someone experienced with Toki Pona may be better able to construct an idea description with that limited set of words.
notexactly, Sep 01 2019

       You could find a way to encode it.   

       First letters of the stop-words or some such.
RayfordSteele, Sep 01 2019

       When the going gets though, the good get going.
mylodon, Sep 03 2019

       I may probably be able to do this. People are quite good, though very old. Well, why wouldn't you? Try it!*

*[Stop-word compliant annotation]
hippo, Sep 03 2019

       I am into https.
But I can't com.
I've got going,
Really near now.
Just put off by http.
Someone might see.
mylodon, Sep 03 2019

       Ok, this gets a biscuit, i've been amused for a few hours now.
mylodon, Sep 03 2019

       You really got me now
You really got me so I don't know what I'm ----- now
You really got me
hippo, Sep 03 2019

       you know, between you and her,
I think I said, I'd do both,
It's just an idea I had,
I really better have a new idea,
as I see you are put off.
mylodon, Sep 03 2019

       but this idea is really good
hippo, Sep 03 2019

       I think if you're actually doing this, there should be some sort of indication on the idea. It has itself to be a unfindable, of course.
Presumably the search doesn't care about capitalisation, and it might disregard punctuation. Let me see... yes.

       Okay, I propose an indicator built entirely of stop words. Perhaps:
[Very few get this]

       That way, people who don't know whats going on won't down- vote the idea, and may not thwarted-pinapple it, which would be worse.
Loris, Sep 03 2019

       or how about "[this is using few of something]"
hippo, Sep 03 2019

       The halfbakery unfindable alphabet:
able be can did ever few get had idea just keep let me no or put quite rather say too us very why you

       I like how it goes all 1920's posh English in the middle and ends with threatening exasperation. Unfortunately missing X and Z.
Loris, Sep 03 2019


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