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UV Pool

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Whilst at the swimming pool the other day, I pondered how nice it would be to have the sun on my back as I swiftly swam my lengths. The trouble is, living in the North of England, we don't get the sun all that much, hence the pale complexions. Now people pay quite a lot of money for tanning treatments. Why not errect large UV lights above the swimming pool for those who wish to tan whilst they swim? Just like mother nature intended. Extra charges will apply.

...of course we can also cater for those who want the all body tan by having special skinny-dipping sessions.

silverstormer, Apr 27 2006

Transparency of Water http://hyperphysics...hemical/watabs.html
[DrCurry, Apr 29 2006]

(?) Lobster Tops http://www.dickensf...Quadrille300med.jpg
[hidden truths, Apr 29 2006]


       /those who wish to tan whilst they swim?/   

       And for those who don't?
Texticle, Apr 28 2006

       Swimming in a lighted pool at night, you get a very similar effect to black light, with the lights catching the ripples in the water.   

       But I'm afraid this one is not suitable as written. As you must have experienced from the beach (well, maybe not, under the circumstances), the water will keep the UV off your submerged parts, while baking your back and neck to a blackened crisp.   

       Just put the UV lamps out on the deck, and come and bask under them when you get out of the pool.
DrCurry, Apr 28 2006

       Could you fill the pool with some substance that is not opaque to UV like water is?
Galbinus_Caeli, Apr 29 2006

       The water will not shelter you from UV. Light is filtered by water in the order of the spectrum. UV is last and you must be very deep. This is why things appear blue to divers.
Shz, Apr 29 2006

       Shz: while water is most transparent at the blue end of the spectrum, it falls off very sharply after that (see link). Moreover, water reflects UV about as well as it does visible light, as anyone who has spent too long splashing about in sun and sea can tell you. And that same person can demonstrate the effectiveness of water as sunblock by showing you his/her skinny white legs to contrast their lobster tops.
DrCurry, Apr 29 2006

       //...showing you his/her skinny white legs to completely contrast their lobster tops.//   

       "I got these lobster shell blouses in Hawaii, they really accentuate my legs, don't you think?"
"Oooh, I love them! And they're so shiny and hard, too."
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Apr 29 2006

       //to contrast their lobster tops// Funny, I thought that might be an idea there, but it looks like its apparently been done. See link.
hidden truths, Apr 29 2006

       True, [DrC] - a person getting direct + reflected sunlight on their upper body and filtered on their lower will be 'top-browned', so to speak. You're not saying that someone doing the Australian crawl will not burn, I hope?
Shz, Apr 30 2006

       The Australian crawl - that the one where you swim anti-clockwise...?
DrCurry, Apr 30 2006

       There is a gym in Edinburgh that uses uv instead of chlorine to clean the pool. It's the only one in Edinburgh/Scotland/UK /Europe/The World (delete as appropriate).
MikeOliver, Apr 30 2006

       Maybe they are unique in that the water is solely cleaned using uv. I didn't join the gym, so I don't remember.
MikeOliver, Apr 30 2006


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