Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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UAV net

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New from BorgCo, the UAV net is a large, fine net on a circular hoop, attached to the end of a carbon-fibre sectional pole.

Used to catch Amazon delivery UAVs in transit.

Folds away for easy transport.

Deluxe kit comes with a pair of NV goggles and a pair of insulated boots*.

*Numerous coarse fishermen have been electrocuted by striking overhead power lines with their highly conductive carbon fibre "roach poles". This is apparently viewed as a bad thing, except perhaps by fish.

8th of 7, Dec 10 2013


       For a minute I was afraid this was going to be another blimp-based internet service.   

       //Numerous coarse fishermen have been electrocuted by striking overhead power lines with their highly conductive carbon fibre "roach poles".//   

       So why not make the pole out of something less conductive? Electrical workers have non-conductive plastic poles and tools.   

       //Deluxe kit comes with a pair of NV goggles//   

       I've got my own, can I get just the pole without the goggles?
DIYMatt, Dec 10 2013

       // So why not make the pole out of something less conductive? //   

       Did you read the part about "coarse fishermen" ? What part of this don't you get ?   

       // can I get just the pole without the goggles? //   

       Of course, and as a bonus, you won't be charged any extra.
8th of 7, Dec 10 2013

       Can't you just tempt them down with some breadcrumbs and a bit of bacon rind?
not_morrison_rm, Dec 10 2013

       A net is a workable but somewhat prosaic solution and, I must say, a bit disappointing considering who is the author. Shirley some sort of stealth-cloaked 'Raptor UAV' would be more entertaining?
AusCan531, Dec 11 2013

       [+] though I would tend more towards a Komet paradigm Flying Shark, personally.
FlyingToaster, Dec 11 2013

       No, no, no. This is all far too much effort.   

       Simply broadcast fake GPS signals to let all the drones know your home is the warehouse.
mitxela, Dec 11 2013

       But then they would arrive at your house empty!
pocmloc, Dec 11 2013

       ^ Free rubbish removal!
AusCan531, Dec 11 2013


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