Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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show your love
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If you’d like to show someone how much you really love them, then send a BaconGram today.

Call in your order to one of our BaconCenters and soon your loved one will be receiving a full pound of cooked bacon, wrapped in decorative, absorbent paper, packaged in a plain brown bag with your message of love handwritten on a paper napkin.

We deliver to most locations.

xandram, Oct 06 2008

Believe it or not - this dea has been done before http://web.archive....con_20Fax_20Machine
[hippo, Oct 06 2008]

http://991.com/newG...apped-Up-400591.jpg [hippo, Oct 06 2008]

Can I get mine taped to a cat instead? http://scalzi.com/whatever/004457.html
[jutta, Oct 06 2008]

(?) for [Jinbish] I found this office with the Pig Man... http://www.geocities.com/LRampey/pigs.htm
[xandram, Oct 06 2008]

(?) for vegetarians... http://www.iateapie...lightlife_smart.php
[xandram, Oct 07 2008]


       you know what goes good with bacon? croissants. [+]
jaksplat, Oct 06 2008

       use a fax machine!
po, Oct 06 2008

       [po] very clever
hippo, Oct 06 2008

       *I* never said via fax machine! This is a real personalized delivery!
xandram, Oct 06 2008

       //*I* never said via fax machine!//
But if it isn't, how will you ensure that the received bacon was *exactly* as sold to the sender?
coprocephalous, Oct 06 2008

       Could I have some real fit courier person in a bacon vest?
po, Oct 06 2008

       [po] What like this? (see link)
hippo, Oct 06 2008

       yes, but a male one
po, Oct 06 2008

       //But if it isn't, how will you ensure that the received bacon was *exactly* as sold to the sender?//
you can fax us your customer satisfaction survey, but [po]'s would go to a different department...
xandram, Oct 06 2008

       Presumably not Muslim or Jewish or vegetarian... heehee.
jetgrrl, Oct 06 2008

       [jutta], thats one, weird, sick and very disturbing link ..... the bacon isn't even cooked .....   

       [+] for the idea, by the way, [xandram]
8th of 7, Oct 06 2008

       Would you send this via the Pork Office?
Jinbish, Oct 06 2008

       'swine and roses.   

       That's just offall...
hippo, Oct 07 2008

       [xandram]: Thanks! It's not very day that someone puts up a link just for me. Golly, that's just swill!
Jinbish, Oct 07 2008

       A pound of Ireland's finest is on it's way to you [xan].
wagster, Oct 07 2008

       //what about vegetarians?//

Well yes, it would certainly be more humane and romantic to send a vegetarian wrapped in absorbent paper rather than a bit of dead pig.
DrBob, Oct 07 2008

       //what about vegetarians?//
It would be really stupid to send one of these to a vegetarian...
There are already fruit arangements, chocolates or other things to send to vegetarians!
(unless they have a craving for some meatless fake bacon--oh yeah FAKON) [see link]
xandram, Oct 07 2008

       // human flesh tastes just like pork. //   

       It does. Trust us on this. Kebabs to die for .....   

       // vegetarians //   

       Tofu. Nailed to a cat. With a BIG nail .....
8th of 7, Oct 07 2008

       There is such a thing as vege-bacon. It's an hilarious idea to create a replica version of bacon strips, only using non-meat based products. As I don't eat any meat, it has become a favourite of mine. Can I therefore have a vege-bacongram in return for this croissant? +
xenzag, Oct 08 2008

       Why of course, sir. If you look up at the links, I have already supplied one for vegetarians!!

       ...and Thanks to [Ian] we now have our own international delivery plane! cool!!
xandram, Oct 08 2008


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