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Donald Trump has complained that Google never says
anything nice or positive about him, thereby ignoring his
genius; his astounding physical abilities; his adoration by
the entire world etc.
Google's failings present an obvious opportunity for the
creation of a new browser that's devoted
to the single
topic of Donald Trump. To be known as Truumple.go, the
new browser will only show information about the
leader of cargo-land aka North America.
On Truumple.go we can find out just how brilliant he
and was, with never before details being finally revealed
of how (inter alia) it was actually Trump who won the
second World War (how many know that hidden diamond
Who for example knows that Trump ran the 100 meters 2
seconds faster than Usain Bolt? There are so many
astounding achievements that it's hard to know where to
start; first man on the moon? Ha - Trump was the first
on Mars! I mean who knew that? - no one, thanks to
Google's refusal to report it.
He's so shy and modest that most of his 'firsts' have
remained totally hidden. First man to fly across the
Pole hanging from a kite made entirely out of cigarette
- Donald Trump. First person to train a termite colony to
march around in strict drill formation? He was just 6
old, when he managed that one, recording the whole
on the new gadget he invented, now named the camera.
(its real name is the Trumpera)
There is no end to his wonders, and now despite his
astounding modesty, they're all going to be clearly visible
on Truumple.go - something else that google won't report
The final essential component of Truumple.go is its pure
knowledge section called: "Ask-The-Donald". Want to
know if mercury is a dangerous toxin? - Ask-The-Donald.
Need to know what happens to a helicopter if it gets
wet? "Ask-The-Donald" has all the answers you'll ever
Google's bias against Trump's genius.
https://www.monitor...-12xs1m5/index.html "Google picks on me and never says nothin nice about me" Donald Trump [xenzag, Dec 29 2018]
Tr*mp blocker
https://chrome.goog...gjnaeadpngccggobaej works for me [not_morrison_rm, Dec 29 2018]
Health benefits of ingesting mercury produced from burning coal.
https://www.npr.org...ostly-not-necessary Trump prepares to share the proven health benefits of ingesting mercury - what a genius! [xenzag, Dec 29 2018]
Largely baked by fake news enthusiasts everywhere? |
(realises that with the Trump Blocker chrome filter on,
I can't see most of the link I added) |
For most peace of mind, the Tr88p + Br88it filters do
the trick. |
I'm no Trump supporter but mindless hate is an intellectual shortcut to be ashamed of. |
True, but you have to admit it's useful - allows you to bypass all that complicated thinking, save a lot of time, and get to your destination faster; a form of high-speed rail for your train of thought ... |
//mindless hate is an intellectual shortcut// |
I normally find mindless hate to be the end
product of a very long, arduous process of elimination of
all possible reasonable excuses that might pardon the
actions or opinions of the party of the third part (them)
that the party of the first part (me) finds objectionable. |
Followed by a second often lengthier process of
eliminating through trial & error any other emotional
reaction that doesn't result in unacceptable levels of self-
loathing. |
Not a shortcut, intellectual or other, and nothing
to be ashamed of, because by the time I've reached
mindless hate, I'll know with absolute certainty that the
subject deserves it. |
Trump, I hasten to add, isn't on my personal hate list, he
seems an ass but otherwise I couldn't care less, happy he
seems so set on sabotaging globalism to be honest. |
That aside [Voice] you misspelled "mindless hate". |
The correct spelling is "taking the piss". |
I find it difficult to believe any human should be utterly hated. There are good things in even the worst person I know of. |
Some things can never be forgiven, some things that are
forgiven should never have been & a little good doesn't
balance the books for great crimes & never should. |
Responsible for the death of millions? giving a small child
a sweet won't get you a free pass, relativity & judgement, as
in all things. |
What about Douglas Haig, or Arthur Harris ? |
Both gave orders which directly caused the death of thousands of their fellow countrymen, and thousands more Germans. They were senior commanders, who were in a position to personally determine strategy and policy; there is no defence of "obeying orders" for them. |
//What about Douglas Haig, or Arthur Harris// |
Know little or nothing of either so wouldn't have a clue,
though I suspect the criteria by which you (or I) apply the
words "responsible for" are probably in play with your
question. |
Some consideration of "who started it" |
Some consideration of "was it incompetent" |
A deft sidestep there, [Skewed]. |
Your "who started it" point is cogent; pleading ignorance of history will not save you a second time, however. |
As to incompetence, better to ask "was it malicious, or was it trying to do the least worst thing" ? |
// There are good things in even the worst person I know of. // |
Interestingly, we have known someone who after long acquaintance still proved to lack even a single redeeming feature. She was described to us as "Someone people take an instant dislike to, because it saves time". That turned out to be eerily accurate. |
Rolf Harris...I see a pattern |
I am wise enough to follow the advice of
accomplished folk that I hold in high regard, and
oddly enough most of them have some degree of
contempt for il Dufus, or behave in a manner that is
entirely outside of his character in predictable ways.
I'm comfortable taking a mental shortcut when I
already have taken the long meandering path
myself. |
There may be good things in evil people, but frankly I
have more pressing matters than searching for
misplaced needles in haystacks, like organizing my
sock drawer, for instance. |
//I find it difficult to believe any human should be utterly hated// Where do you see the hatred of a human being here? I have generated a simple method of heaping the praise on Donald Trump he points out is totally absent on Google. Now you can choose google or Truumple.go as your source of internet based information. Where's the hatred in that? |
//I'm no Trump supporter but mindless hate is
an intellectual shortcut to be ashamed of.// |
Add obsessive, continuous, enthusiastic,
exuberant, even ecstatic 24/7 hate and you've got
a situation that should be looked at by mental
health professionals. |
It's fine to dislike a politician from another
country, although it's very weird to even think
about it, but to think about nothing else? This is a
tip of the iceberg problem here. |
Forget about Trump, obsession about ANY subject
like this is indicative of a potentially serious
mental health issue. |
Talk to somebody xen. It's good to just connect
sometimes. I'm being serious, this is not healthy. |
[doc], I think you may have misinterpreted [xen]'s laser-like
focus on Trump for something it's not (well, not entirely). |
I've always assumed
(since I realized he was probably a fellow Brit at least) this
displacement, disparaging Trump as a way of deflecting (his
own attention) from the failings of our own mob, thus in it's
way perhaps a relatively good thing for his mental health. |
Well, I know it brings joy for whatever reason, but
isn't it time to diversify? This is un-healthy. If this
were a friend of mine I'd say "Bro, you need
help." |
And again, if it wasn't Trump, if it was 24/7 "I hate
skin rashes, I don't have one, but do you know
millions of people suffer from skin rashes every
day? Here, look at this chart I made." |
"Oh, do you want to be a dermatologist?" |
"No, I just can't stop thinking about skin rashes. I
obsess about them, I dream about them, yesterday
I wrote a song about them." |
"Hmm. Hey pal, let's call somebody eh? We'll go
together." |
But maybe I'm wrong, if it makes somebody happy
sitting in a corner chewing on a rubber ball all day,
maybe I shouldn't judge, but on the other hand,
maybe there's a situation that could be improved
for that person. |
A little diversity never hurts of course but it's probably
like singing "la la la" to avoid hearing a song you
find really annoying. |
Pausing to think of another tune entails the danger of
letting in the one you're trying to avoid :) |
I think you probably hit the nail on the head with
that one. |
Hey, I don't go through life blissfully happy every
second and I need diversion myself, but I'd like to
think if I started obsessing about one diversion and
one diversion alone I might take a look at it. |
Especially if it were a hate filled obsession with
individual. |
I like your other ideas xen, that boxing on a
waterbed post is brilliant. You're very creative and
probably a very good person, but who wants to
listen to somebody's hate filled rants 24/7? No
matter what it's about. |
Although according to the viewer ratings for
MSNBC, quite a few. |
Eh, what do I know? Rant on xen. If it makes you
happy right? I don't have to click on them. |
On this subject I defer to my hero who used to talk
about this constantly. I've mentioned it before but
it needs repeating. Quick review: |
1- This guy (name not important) drove tractors in
the forest for a living with his dad. He tells the
story about putting in a fire break during an active
forest fire where he and his dad had to put their
skip loaders in reverse and drive for their lives. He
grew up doing forestry management. |
2- His high school discovered he had an off the
charts IQ and sent him a letter saying he needed to
consider higher education. He ignored the letter
that his dad found on his desk. He insisted that his
son get out of the forestry business and utilize his
talents elswhere. |
3- Got accepted to UC Berkeley on scholorship, got
is PHD in electrical engineering in his teens and
was a professor in his 20s. |
4- Invented one of the earliest smoke detectors,
patented it and made a bundle. |
5- Worked on the Apollo guidance computer that
sent the first men to the Moon. |
6- Moved on to designing hydrogen bombs with the
father of the hydrogen bomb, Edwin Teller. |
7- Had a best selling tongue and cheek book on
picking up chicks. |
8- In an incident described by somebody other than
him, he was sitting in a bar with a black friend
when a
group of bikers came in and started hurling racial
slurs at him. He broke a bottle on the edge of a
table and told them if they wanted to fight to shut
up and fight. They did not want to fight. |
9- He became a well known radio talk show host.
That's where I discovered him. |
He obsessively complained that the liberal, green
party types were going to distroy the forests he
grew up in with their mismanagement. For years,
he would harp on this subject, over and over
again. |
Then the fires started and here we are. |
That's my problem with this mindless tribalism.
Trump said we need forestry management just
like my hero did, but because it's Trump, the
solution will only be ridiculed, right or wrong. |
With this cold civil war we're having, real solutions
won't be discussed, it's only "What does Trump
say?" |
I hope we get back to discussing issues someday
because a functional society needs to evaluate
situations sometimes. |
// "Trump was absolutely right about that" he added. // |
Small fires are a natural and essential feature of the ecosystem. Prevent them happening, and eventually there will be huge, uncontrolled fires. |
Human have built cities right beside active volcanoes, on top of well-mapped and highly active fault lines, and on low-lying seashore prone to hurricanes. Building dwellings in fire-prone coniferous forest fits the pattern nicely. |
I recollect seeing someone posting (elsewhere) about how
ironic it was that Trump said foreign nations where taking
american jobs when he had outsourced a number of jobs
(closing some factory or other in the US down & building a
new one to make the stuff in China or India or something)
how this supposed contradiction somehow showed Trump
didn't know what he
was talking about on this issue. |
I felt compelled to point out to the poster that (while no
fan of Trump) he was
contradicting himself, according to
his own post, Trump employed people & had on
economic grounds felt it expedient to choose to employ
people abroad rather than in America, which did suggest
contrary to the posters conclusions that he might
in fact have some relevant first hand knowledge on the
subject & its causes. |
Whatever he is or isn't there's one thing about Trump
I'm sure of, he's either a piss poor communicator or
he's got a completely useless PR team. |
We've been given two choices: Love Trump and
everything he says or hate him and everybody who
supports him. It's the answer to all questions. |
How should we manage the forests? Fuck Trump. Should
we utilize more nuclear power to reduce carbon
emissions? Fuck Trump. How should we deal with
problems in the Middle East? Fuck Trump. |
One last thing about my guy, he was best friends with
Clint Eastwood and has been featured in a couple of his
movies. Not pertinent to the discussion but kind of
interesting. |
// It's the answer to all questions. // |
You're wrong there ... for example, the capital city of Paraguay is Asunciôn, not Fuck Trump. |
Wikipedia says so, so it must be true. |
//the capital city of Paraguay is Asunciôn, not Fuck
Trump.// |
The Paraguayans would probably be the most reliable source of information on that topic, closely followed by National Geographic. |
Agreed, but still, depends on who you ask. |
I'm wondering how effectively a group of devout
Trump haters could communicate if they were
allowed to say only "Fuck Trump" but to let the
inflection, tonality and the situation dictate the
meaning. |
I took a year of Chinese as a kid and learned about
non-monotone inflection changing the meaning of
a word. Using the Chinese model gives you 4
meanings right there. |
Facial expression would go a long way towards
assigning meaning. A bright smile, raised eyebrows
and a chipper tone while addressing a person with
"Fuck Trump!" in
the morning would clearly mean "Good morning." A
response with a glower expression and a low
grumbly tone in response with "Fuck Trump." would
clearly mean "Ugh,
not for me, I'm not feeling so great. Let me get my
coffee." |
Written communication would be much harder. I
wouldn't want a surgeon operating on me who
studied nothing but books saying "Fuck Trump."
over and over. |
Presumably books would be written using hanji, or similar pictgrams - only the spoken, inflected form would be restricted. So your surgery would be OK as long as the surgeon could remember the the exact difference in pronunciation between "scalpel" and "clamp". |
Hmm, with Tr&&p blocker on, this looks post like the
damage scrapie does to a sheep's brain. |
Trump supporters only require a tiny vocabulary,
limited to less than 100 words. Nevertheless, they
communicate very effectively, much like pigeons
do, combining a series of jerky neck movements
and macho strutting with a type of monosyllabic
gibbering. Certain words have a great frequency of
use, including: 'awesome'; 'tremendous'; 'greatest'
and of course 'fake'. Like Trump, the ability to read
is rudimentary, so nothing much needs to be
transcribed unto paper. All of this is detailed (in
cartoon form) on the new browser in the
Truumpedia section. |
Let's talk about something entirely different for a while. A long while. |
I feel sorry for him when I'm not cringing. I see a very, very
sad little boy who never outgrew the most adolescent of
beliefs, that the whole world revolves around you. It's why he
lies and is so petulant, and so very narcissistic. |
But the position he holds makes me also very afraid of what
he might do in a fit of rage. |
Some kind of controlled burn in Washington would
seem to be wise. I believe this was my point a long
time ago in a political post far, far away. |
Do you think that hero-worship, of folk like
Wattenburg, is the other side of the same coin as
fuck-trumpalism? |
//Do you think that hero-worship, of folk like Wattenburg// |
Hero worship? Is that your way of saying I'm an asshole for
somebody? |
Jesus Ray, give it a break. |
As always, one mention of Trump, and a torrent of
rage is released like a cloud of chlorine gas. Can
we not park this fruit-cake in a well sealed bin bag
with his Russian billions and his solid gold toilet, at
least until the new year? Good. Now everyone's
happy. Happy New Year :-) |
//As always, one mention of Trump, and a torrent of
rage is released like a cloud of chlorine gas.// |
There is real a simple solution to that re-occurring problem,
just sayin'. |
That being said, happy New Year Xen. And everybody else,
the new year bring peace and prosperity to all. |
| |