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Transdermal Beer Patch

Hidden Beer Delivery System For Use In Public
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America is a Puritan nation. Want a beer in the park? Bee-boo, bee-boo, it's the cops! Can't have that! So, to solve the problem, transdermal beer patches. Stout, porter, IPA. Take a six pack with you, take two or three! Just make sure not to litter-- there's fines for that too.
MikeInMaine, Jan 19 2020

Borgflakes Borgflakes
Inspired by [MB] [8th of 7, Jan 20 2020]

Sherry https://en.wikipedi...hol_enema#Incidents
So very, very wrong... [8th of 7, Jan 21 2020]

"awww" response to very young mammals https://twitter.com...63293862322176?s=20
Doesn't always work ;D [Skewed, Jan 24 2020]

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       Could you do another for a Transgender Beer Patch?   

       Just to assuage my title misread induced disappointment.
Skewed, Jan 19 2020

       So what's the precise wording of the relevant law?   

       Any new method of alcohol consumption is always welcome of course, especially by Sturton, he's come up with more than one rather surprising innovation in this area of endeavour himself, but he's always interested in new suggestions.   

       I just worry this may still be interpretable within the letter of the law as 'consumption'.
Skewed, Jan 19 2020

       One problem is that you need a fair old volume of ethanol to achieve the desired result. A beer is several ml of ethanol, so your patch is going to be rather bulky.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 19 2020

       Beer is a lot more than alcohol, and most of that is for taste. So this idea is nonsensical.
Voice, Jan 19 2020

       // he's come up with more than one rather surprising innovation in this area //   


       Don't go there - it's a very dark place, and there's absolutely nothing good in it.
8th of 7, Jan 19 2020

       // rather bulky// What! wearing a nappy on the arm can't become a thing?
wjt, Jan 20 2020

       // Could you do another for a Transgender Beer Patch? //   

       What about a "Transdermal Bear Patch" ?
8th of 7, Jan 20 2020

       Would a Bear Patch attract a bear, repel a bear, or turn you INTO a bear?
Or is it more like a software Patch? Upgrade your dog with a Bear Patch...
neutrinos_shadow, Jan 20 2020

       This is a very old joke;   

       Drunk guy gets pulled over. He quickly peels the paper label from the bottle he's drinking from, licks it and sticks it to his forehead.
Cop asks "Have you been drinking sir?"
Drunk says "No Ociffer... I'm on the patch."

       //Transdermal Bear Patch//   

       Better yet combine them, a Transgender Bear Patch.
Skewed, Jan 20 2020

       Hey, [Skewed], don't you dare try to outweird us - we get stranger things than you free with our breakfast cereal.
8th of 7, Jan 20 2020

       I thought you *were* a weird free thing in breakfast cereal?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 20 2020

       //we get stranger things than you free with our breakfast cereal//   

       [Pauses to count how many toes he has on each foot]   

       [Remembers he doesn't have any]   

       [Casually picks what might pass for a bogey from what might pass for a nostril with one translateral 'tentacle']   

       [Tucks it away in his sporran for future reference]   

       [Glances over at [8th] ]   

       You sure about that?
Skewed, Jan 20 2020

       Errrr ... no.   

       // I thought you *were* a weird free thing in breakfast cereal? //   

       Hmmm. <link>
8th of 7, Jan 20 2020

       //Shudder// //it's a very dark place, and there's absolutely nothing good in it//   

       You're thinking of his real ale colonic irrigation party last september aren't you?
Skewed, Jan 21 2020

       Yes, despite strenuous efforts not to... <link>
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       //Upgrade your dog with a Bear Patch//   

       In St Petersburg, I once saw a man walking a black bear on a dog leash. It was quite a small bear, but still surprising; "Why is that dog walking like that? It looks just like a ... Wait a minute!"
pertinax, Jan 21 2020

       // St Petersburg //   

       Which one ? There are several.   

       Bears, if domesticated as cubs, and well-treated, can be quite docile; but are still very powerful and dangerous. A big problem is that they are intelligent, and like to play. When they try to play with their human friends as if those humans were other bears, bad things can happen, even though the bear means no harm.
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       The one where Boris Yeltsin installed a spectacularly tasteless statue of Peter the Great. That St Petersburg.
pertinax, Jan 21 2020

       Ok, Florida then. If you're expecting "spectacularly tasteless", Florida is the go-to place.
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       Oddly enough, I know a man who had (and probably still has) two bears. He and his wife raised them both from birth. One of them (I mean one of the bears; not the man or his wife) was a bit grumpy and had definite moods, but on the whole they were surprisingly amiable, which is just as well. They're quite astonishingly clever - way smarter than dogs; the main problem in keeping them is not so much that they're unpredictable, but that you have to understand their moods and be able to interact with them. They can also understand human speech way better than dogs - probably about as well as trained chimps or gorillas.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 21 2020

       So, airline check-in staff could be replaced by tame bears ? That would be excellent ...
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       In theory, yes.   

       Actually, hang on, now that I think of it, it was children, not bears.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 21 2020

       Wishful thinking ? Baby bears are way cuter than human infants ...
8th of 7, Jan 22 2020

       //among most* people, human infants are cuter than just about anything// To quote an unknown source, "Children are like farts; you really only enjoy your own."
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 23 2020

       //many of species// many other species And do you have any experimental evidence that non-human species tend to like the young of other species aside for on the menu?
Voice, Jan 23 2020

       [Voice];I've seen (on a documentary) a crocodile (or possibly an alligator; it was a while ago...) carrying baby turtles from their nest down to the ocean, as it would with it's own offspring.
So, yeah, sometimes they do...
neutrinos_shadow, Jan 24 2020

       I think interspecific parental responses are sometimes real. In the case of mammals, all young have abnormally large heads and eyes (proportionately), and I'd guess that most mammals are programmed to respond to those features as a simple shortcut, even in mammals of other species.   

       Human adults certainly have an "awww" response to most very young mammals.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 24 2020

       //Human adults certainly have an "awww" response to most very young mammals//   

       Not always [link].
Skewed, Jan 24 2020

       Maybe those are adult mice.
pertinax, Jan 24 2020


       Those are baby rats.   

       Ever seen baby mice or rats, or day old puppies squirming in a heap for that matter, the way they move & squirm, the lack of leg strength to hold their body up (all lying on their bellies wriggling), these are young .. & given those indicators they must still be very young so far too big for mice.
Skewed, Jan 24 2020

       Baby rats and baby humans have a lot in common. Especially the humans who grow up to be lawyers.   

       Although it's reasonable to conclud that they were rats all the time.   

       Newborn puppies are nowhere near as repulsive as rats or humans, possibly because they grow up to be dogs.
8th of 7, Jan 24 2020


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