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Traffic Taxonomy

Words for standard traffic maneuvers
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Pretty soon blind people are going to be driving and to make things totally accessible we are going to have to come up with a way to describe standard traffic maneuvers.

Therr needs to be a short cut way to say things like," you know when you are trying to get on the on ramp and there is a long line of cars so you pretend you don't know that the on ramp isn't two lanes and you pass the whole line and then at the last minute try to cut in line and thus skip the whole wait". Just for fun let's call that one "the triple Lundy".

This would make foot traffic negotiation in the city much more accessible to me too, for one. I generally go bananas trying to negotiate busy city streets and generally have all the energy dragged out of me within a few blocks. The older I get the more I am capable of describing to myself exactly when it happens, the series of microaggressions that leads to energy being dragged out of me and thus block it. But it would be useful to not just have the capability to psychoanalyze every hard charachter I pass on the street, but also to just have simple words for common maneuvers so that I could quickly and easily describe them to someone who wasn't there. "So, I was about to pass the slow poke but he pulled a triple Lundy on me," or something like that.

I gotta figure the driverless cars already do this in code so maybe it would just be s matter of trying to see where human drivers vary significantly from drone cars and naming those maneuvers. Or something like that. Or maybe just a human-speakable way to describe the cognitive shortcuts the drones learn from driving.

JesusHChrist, Sep 13 2015


       [Ian], I think you're neglecting Moore's Law and the rapid advancement in miniaturisation and 3D printing.   

       By the time we all have robot cars, we won't be dependent on big centralised roads owned by the government. We will all have personal roads - indeed, most households will have several. Even appliances such as washing machines and toasters will have their own integrated roads, allowing them to drive for themselves and eliminating the risk of collisions.   

       Even as we speak, you can bet that someone in a garage in Edgbaston or California is cobbling together an early version of the personal road.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 14 2015


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