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Torrent Downloader

For when your really cheap.
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A typical bittorrent client requires the user to install it's program, e.g. download it, run an installer and have it permanently there. Now, this idea is to have another type of client, one that runs entirely within a webbrowser, that offloads huge downloads elsewhere. Let me explain :

Let's that that Jimmy wants to download a 'huge' file from download.com (there defined to be 300mb or more). Instead of waiting for the craptasticaly slow download.com servers to give him the file, he clicks on the blue 'BitTorrent' button to see what it does.

Next thing Jimmy knows, he's presented with a stripped-down BitTorrent client ready to get his file. It runs entirely in Java, something Jimmy was smart enough to get the Firefox plug-in for, and requires no permanent storage on his hard drive. Of course there is the initial tracker and program download that occurs using normal FTP or HTTP protocols, so this wouldn't solve bandwidth issues entirely. What it would do is make 'huge' files download faster and with less stress on the original servers.

Raithah, Feb 11 2007

BitTorrent Client on the NAS: PC-less download http://www.engadget...s-pc-less-download/
Already being done. [ooglek, Feb 12 2007]


       Answer 1 : school computers. Home computers with children. The list goes on.   

       Answer 2 : yes the java client in the browser opens a server socket, redistributes, etc. The only thing permanently stored on the computer is the file. Got it ? :).   

       Answer 3 : Jimmy isn't watching a movie silly-poo, hes downloading Mu online.
Raithah, Feb 11 2007

       uTorrent. No installation required, runs as a stand-alone executable, no Java annoyance either.
K o R, Feb 11 2007

       picoTorrent still requires a download, and there's still a fair debate around whether or not it's a trojan horse.   

       And Java isn't annoying, it's just misunderstood.
Raithah, Feb 11 2007

       Nope. If people play Runescape, they'll open up some sockets for a download :). - Let me rephrase that. Many users are willing to do whatever an online guide tells them to do, so if the program can't open up the sockets itself it can persuade the user to do so.
Raithah, Feb 12 2007

       NAS makers are building a BitTorrent client into their devices, offloading the downloading of torrent files onto the storage devices themselves.   

       With your solution, you'll have to download the BT client every single time you want to download something, and if you download a bunch of torrents simulataneously, now you've got 13 Java apps (exactly the same, downloading different files) hogging your CPU and memory.   

       Whereas a single client can handle all of them with less overhead, due to shared resources.
ooglek, Feb 12 2007

       Ah well. Thanks for trying jutta, I'm sure trying to decipher my replies took a lot out of ya so go take a nap and regain your strength.   

       To Ooglek, each instance of the client could search for another running process, in which case it would handoff the download to the previously started download. Sorry if I misunderstand you, but the National Accademy of Science is adding a BitTorrent client into their devices ?
Raithah, Feb 12 2007

       Alright ... sounds like a plan :) It could be incorporated into the system the same way Kazzaa rewards users to stay sharing the file they just downloaded for longer; it would increase their download speeds on the next download by linking them to higher speedseeds/peers.
Raithah, Feb 12 2007

       One major problem with this is security. Typically Java within a web browser is not allowed to store anything outside of a protected sandbox that is not accessible to other applications.   

       Also Java applets are supposed to be independent and unaware of any other Java applets, again for security.   

       You should be able to do this with a web browser extension or plug in, but there you are "installing software" which seems to be what you are trying to avoid.
Galbinus_Caeli, Feb 12 2007

       //go take a nap and regain your strength//

Y'know, I just love it when this sort of thing happens.

Suggest that the poster reads up on grammar, spelling and punctuation; maybe then we'll have a clue what he's on about.
angel, Feb 12 2007


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