Similar to "World Leader Trading Cards" but more money oriented.
These would be over-sized playing cards. With the names of the top five whatever s in large type. Estimate and date.
And website or bar code for more info.
So each card would have about 15 lines of type.
King Diamonds Richest
Queen Diamonds Richest Woman
Jack Diamonds Richest under 30 years
King Spades Largest Farm
Queen Spades Largest home
Queen Hearts largest Cosmetic Company
Jack Clubs Biggest Four wheel drive vehicle
And so on
You would buy the yearly deck.
Or You buy the deck and an update service that would print on demand single cards when the data changes.
Some of the tabloid magazine / business magazines specialize in this kind voyeurism, so the data should not be too hard to get.
If needs be it could expand to double deck 104 cards plus a dozen jokers.
"I imagine sitting around the old folks home playing cards with three year old used set of these cards, and seething with jealousy." Pop Botellio