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Time Travel Machine

Allows you to go forward then back in time to predict the future.
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Let me try this thing out.
doctorremulac3, Sep 10 2022

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       Adjusting the dials... Okay, it's coming in..... little fuzzy.... but I'll try it. Okay... looks like scad mientist will say:   

       "Please stop!! I don't think they are ready for this to be shared publicly."   

       Okay, now I sit back and cross my fingers.
doctorremulac3, Sep 10 2022

       Please stop!! I don't think they are ready for this to be shared publicly.
scad mientist, Sep 10 2022

       Eureka!!! IT WORKED! MY GOD! I'M RICH! RICH I TELL YA! Hmm, what's this about the CIA breaking into my shop?   

       Uh oh.   

       Okay, let's try it again.... (turn up the flux capacitor, dial in the temporal coordinates.... and)   

       "[marked-for-deletion]" from Voice? Then he erases it. Hmm.   

       That can't be right, he's got a good sense of humor. This damn thing's busted already?
doctorremulac3, Sep 10 2022

       Okay, another coming in... hmm, a long one from scad meintist -   

       "Seriously... Contact me. I've posted my contact info in a public location..."   

       Hmm, then it just fades into a bunch of gibberish. Damn thing's broken again. Then one with xenzag complaining about me having fun. Yea, that wouldn't surprise me.   

       Hmm, getting another reading "Bonestorm heading your way."   

       Uh oh.
doctorremulac3, Sep 10 2022

       Seriously... Contact me. I've posted my contact info in a public location. Tomorrow (9/11) at 4:00am GMT I will delete my contact info then post a comment to this idea telling you where my contact info was previously posted. One minute later I will remove that comment as well. Use your time machine to read my future comment to get my contact info and call me immediately.
scad mientist, Sep 11 2022

       Think you need to set it to go back shortly before you typed it in, then wait a few days and see if it appears. To do this will require deleting all of this.
xenzag, Sep 11 2022

       If I reset the time vortex without counter aligning the event paradox I might create a möbius loop wormhole.   

       Best to just quit while I’m ahead. Which is actually behind.
doctorremulac3, Sep 11 2022

       [Censorship note]   

       I think this one is okay to leave as is. Seems like this site is for sharing half-brained ideas, and there are no comments about the events of 2057 here.   

       Dave, can you log this in central. I'll also jump back a few minutes and swap this comment out for a harmless joke when confirmed.
not_only_but_also, Sep 11 2022

       A sandwich walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”
Voice, Sep 11 2022

       A Buddhist hot-dog vendor will always try to make you one with everything.   

       Okay, handed the time machine login into over to not_only_but_also. I'll do a test with him and write:   

       I think this one is okay to leave as is. Seems like this site is for sharing half-brained ideas, and there are no comments about the events of 2057 here.   

       See if he can predict that.   

       Whoa! Well I'll be darned! It works for him too!
doctorremulac3, Sep 12 2022

       [doctorremulac3] Can you explain that möbius loop thing? I think I may be seeing some oscillations? If you increase the power on the 7th phase ancillary damper, perhaps you can stabilize it.
scad mientist, Sep 12 2022

       Whoa, what's the crazy box that's talking? Hello? Hello? I'm Davy Remulac but I'm not a doctor, always wanted to be one when I grow up. I get pretty good grades in science 'n stuff.   

       I'm just 16 dude, not sure what happened. Are you like... from the future or something? What's all this crazy gear, like, computers n stuff? Totally trippy man.
doctorremulac3, Sep 12 2022

       ... aaaaand scene.   

       Thank you all for coming, hope you enjoyed our surprise ending. Players, take a bow.
doctorremulac3, Sep 12 2022

       I've already built a time machine out of an old refrigerator box. It moves you forward in time at a rate of approximately 60 minutes per hour. However, if you sit in the box and drink enough beer, sometimes it transports you immediately to the next morning.
AusCan531, Sep 13 2022

       Lol! Yea, I’ve done the whole booze powered time travel thing.
doctorremulac3, Sep 13 2022

       Drinking is bad for you, I recommend quitting at least once per day.
Voice, Sep 13 2022

       I think it’s best to quit several times a day.
doctorremulac3, Sep 13 2022


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