Roland reached, with an outstretched finger, to move on
the thick, pinkish, sculptured hour hand on The Swinging
Action Clock, to hasten the
onset of the "bitching hour".
Designed for those who stray together, this delightful
piece of practical home decoration was fitted with a high
screen in its face, displaying lewd scenes of
group debauchery continuously, for the prurient
of passers-by.
Sound options include optional small grunts or yelps
second, "Uh-huh", "Harder!" or "YES!" every minute and
passionate moans on the quarter hour. A range of
screaming celebrity orgasm tracks ring out the hours.
Roland glanced again at the clock... nearly 9pm...
wickedly; adjusted his skimpy, see-through apron;
a jiggling jelly vibrator in a jug of martinis (Shaken, not
stirred) and toddled off toward the recently waterproofed
lounge room and all of the action.