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The Splendid Sounds Of Bob Ross Painting Kit

Bob Ross brush sounds painting kit
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Bob Ross was an artist who had a particular style of invented landscapes, which he showed viewers of his television programme how to achieve in a type of live action broadcast. (can there be anyone who doesn't know who he is?)

One of the defining characteristics of a Bob Ross painting was the various sounds made by his brushes when impacting the canvas as he painted.

This idea is to isolate a series of recordings of these sounds, then include them within a Paint A Bob Ross Kit that contains a range of the actual brushes used to make them. Enthusiasts can now use the recordings to learn how to imitate these noises as they follow the other instructions needed to generate their own Bob Ross original.

Deluxe kit includes a Bob Ross wig for an even more immersive experience.

xenzag, Jun 21 2024

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       The sound reminds me of corduroy for some reason. Always watched Bob as a kid. Maybe a happy little bread crumb lives here...
RayfordSteele, Jun 21 2024

       //can there be anyone who doesn't know who he is?// Yes
pocmloc, Jun 21 2024


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