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The Real Mothers world

Ya there cute ... But are you really ready for one ???
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I think that we need a game for teenages abut Pregnancy. I am still in high school and everone is getting pergnent!! I think that we need a game that involves makeing the right choices when it comes to haveing a baby. Exp : In the game you would be a young teen girl ( between the ages of 13-18 ) .. you would make a charter ( like the sims ) and then it would get very serious .. As soon as you made your carter .. name .. looks .. apperence..ect .. she would be pregnent .. like she made the choice to sleep with someone unpertected. Then you as the young girl wold have to go through the time of the pregnancy .. keep the young girl alive .. by feeding her the right things .. ect .. but also figure out how to tell her parents .. her boy friend .. reather to keep it or put it up for adoption ... wat to name it .. and how to come up with the money to care for the child .. But thats not it .. Lets say that you told your parent the worung thing .. at the wrong time .. and they dident help you .. kicked you out of the house ,disowned you .. and you then had to find a new home .. make money for yourself ( find a job) ... get grocries ect .. Then when the baby came you would have to be with it every minate just like a real mother ... Feed it .. rock it .. bath it .. dress it .. change it .. ect .. But this game wouldent be like the sims .. it would be .. a Teen Prengancy Relatiy/ simulator .. I think we need it .. wat about you ?????
blondebikerbabe123, Jan 02 2005

Baby Think It Over http://www.educatio..._curr/curr077.shtml
With programmable crying interval. [prufrax, Jan 02 2005]

Mothers of Invention http://images.chron...20invention-525.JPG
[normzone, Mar 19 2010]


       Yes, I like the idea. It presents the other side of the dreamy world of two people who conceive a child. Live vicariously, through this game, the life of a single young mother-to-be and examine all the choices along the way of the pregnancy. With the aid of a sequence of photocards, see the faces of the characters involved in a typical real life unplanned pregnancy situation.The point of view of all mothers-to-be is important to society.
mensmaximus, Jan 02 2005

       You're still in high school? No way!
swamilad, Jan 02 2005

       I think this would work well as a tamagochi.
nineteenthly, Jan 02 2005

       I think we need a game for teenagers about spelling, grammar, punctuation and contraception.
ConsulFlaminicus, Jan 02 2005

       Have the contraception lesson precede punctuation.
FarmerJohn, Jan 02 2005

       'No', properly punctuated as "No!! Get your hands off me you asshole!" , or, "No!! Not without a condom." -might satisfy both priorities [FJ]?
ConsulFlaminicus, Jan 02 2005

       There's an inherent contradiction here - if the point of the game is to be un-fun, it won't get played.   

       If it's fun, it will make teens want to go have babies.   

       Perhaps instead of marketing it to teens, we should market it to the German government.
lyrl, Jan 02 2005

       Sorry, I read "puncturation".
FarmerJohn, Jan 02 2005

       It's terribell when teens get pergnent.   

       A common High School Sex 'Ed assignment used to instruct teens about the inconveniences of parenthood is giving them boiled eggs to tote around everywhere. Kids participate in that because they will get a bad grade if they don't.   

       As [lyrl] says above, either this game would be an unpleasant experience and so kids wouldn't want to play, or it would be a fun experience and would not effectively illustrate how difficult being a teenage mother is.
contracts, Jan 02 2005

       I see it as an alternative to other male theme-oriented games. It tries to appeal to both teenage sexes which is the difficulty the other writers see in this idea possibly. This 'game' is more female theme-oriented so perhaps there should be the two points of view in the game and see where both end up. I'm sure some game exec. will see this idea and improve it to sell to a niche market.
mensmaximus, Jan 02 2005

       // giving them boiled eggs to tote around everywhere //   

       Reminds me of a book I read as a kid, called Flour Babies by Anne Fine. It's a Penguin Reader's Level 2, so everyone wins.
spiritualized, Jan 02 2005

       Sorry, i know this might annoy you but this is what this idea would look like if it was spelled in a more conventional way, as it were:   

       I think that we need a game for teenagers about Pregnancy. I am still in high school and everyone is getting pregnant!! I think that we need a game that involves making the right choices when it comes to having a baby. Exp: In the game you would be a young teen girl (between the ages of 13-18); you would make a charter (like the Sims) and then it would get very serious ... As soon as you made your charter ... name ... looks ... appearance...etc ... she would be pregnant... like she made the choice to sleep with someone unprotected. Then you as the young girl would have to go through the time of the pregnancy ... keep the young girl alive ...by feeding her the right things ...etc ... but also figure out how to tell her parents... her boy friend... whether to keep it or put it up for adoption ... what to name it... and how to come up with the money to care for the child ...But that's not it... Lets say that you told your parent the wrong thing...at the wrong time... and they didn't help you, kicked you out of the house, disowned you... and you then had to find a new home... make money for yourself (find a job) ... get groceries etc... Then when the baby came you would have to be with it every minute just like a real mother ... Feed it... rock it. bath it... dress it... change it .. etc... But this game wouldn't be like the Sims... it would be... a Teen Pregnancy Reality/ simulator... I think we need it.. what about you ?????   

       Sorry, i couldn't resist.
nineteenthly, Jan 02 2005

       [nineteenthly], you misspelled *bathe* and substituted *rather* for *reather* when the author probably meant to mistype and misspell *weather*" for *whether*.
jurist, Jan 02 2005

       j, we say bath not bathe a baby!
po, Jan 02 2005

       Sorry [jurist], i thought it was a bit pointless to spend much time on, but yes, i should have put "whether". I am not entirely sure, but i think the correct word is "bath" rather than "bathe" in this particular context. Might this be a transatlantic difference?
nineteenthly, Jan 02 2005

       Seems to be. Chalk up one more.
jurist, Jan 02 2005

       It's not difficult to find examples of how unplanned pregnancies affect many friends and relatives of the couple, as in today where the custody of a child of people I know will be decided by the police.
mensmaximus, Jan 02 2005

       At first this sounds like a good idea, but I have to agree with [lyrl]: no one would want to play if it's not fun.   

       When I was in high school, students in the health class had to pair up with each other and carry around a sack of flour with diapers on it. Every hour or so, either the 'father' or 'mother' would have to change its diapers and blah dee blah blah. There was still a high rate of pregnancy, especially for a private christian school. I guess some people never learn.
Machiavelli, Jan 02 2005

       [mens], surely you'd wait until after the police raid had taken place, before blurting about it on the net?
david_scothern, Jan 03 2005

       Well it did proceed. I received a few more calls from all involved and everyone was level-headed about it.
mensmaximus, Jan 03 2005


       That's one hell of a cool word.I shall use it whilst ordering a pint on the way home.
skinflaps, Jan 04 2005

       [Machiavelli] - probably because they all thought it would be as easy to care for as a bag of flour...
hippo, Jan 04 2005

       I agree, [hippo], a bag of flour is a very poor substitute for the real experience.
Machiavelli, Jan 04 2005

       //I think we need a game for teenagers about spelling, grammar, punctuation and contraception.//   

       Well. Some teenagers, perhaps; I, for one, consider myself quite well-up on spelling, grammar and punctuation - and as for contraception, pfft. I don't need it.   

       Hey! Maybe that's the real answer. Teach kids punctuation, spelling and grammar, and they'll become so consumed by those that they won't get pregnant!   

       And, then again, maybe not. But anyway, I am reasonably able to punctuate my sentences, so less of the teen discrimination, everyone. Or should that be teen dscrmntn. Ah, internet spelling.
bookends, May 05 2006

       There's definite merit in the idea. No-one is suggesting that carrying around a boiled egg or a sack of flour is fun, but the kids do participate or they get a failing grade. If this was a sim spread out over an entire school year, with a report at the end, there would be enough time for a somewhat realistic simulation.   

       Perhaps the online sim could be connected wirelessly to a baby doll that registers acts of care and neglect - a simple accelerometer and thermometer would be a cheap start.   

       Here's hoping that blondebikerbabe123 returns. There's a paucity of posts here that address the needs of the young teen/ young adult population.
BunsenHoneydew, Mar 19 2010

       I think this illustrates why people NEED TO STAY IN SCHOOL. EVEN IF THEY GET PREGNANT. If this idea was a job application i wouldn't be hiring.
WcW, Mar 19 2010

       How would you feel about it if the spelling and punctuation were sorted, [WcW]? Do you see it as expressed incoherently aside from that?
nineteenthly, Mar 19 2010

       The halfbakery seems a bit middle-aged at times, if not outright old-fogeyish. I'm that way myself (have been since childhood), and find [blondebikerbabe123]'s orthography irritating. However, I like the halfbakery and want it to live forever: jumping on high school students for poor spelling is not the way to achieve that. (Assuming, of course, that she's not a troll. Checks "Horse Loves Dream Farm." Oh, wait, forget I said anything.)
mouseposture, Mar 20 2010

       well it is rather difficult to text a post in while bouncing up and down on the back of a Harley.
FlyingToaster, Mar 20 2010

       There are other reasons for jumping on high school students; these are also in general regarded as a bad idea.
BunsenHoneydew, Mar 21 2010


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