Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
(Serving suggestion.)

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The Mystery Idea Game

Figure out where an anno belongs!
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The game is played when the first player writes a new Anno to an existing idea. The Anno can be in direct response to the idea or to the annotations attached to the idea. The nature of this new Anno must be such that one can deduce the "source idea" from the information in the new Anno. Players try to determine the "source idea" through deduction, investigation etc. The winner is the player that is able to garner the largest number of wrong guesses or who's Anno is not placed within a given deadline.

Players may use misdirection, synonyms, puns or other devices to misdirect their opponents however, vague or general Annos are not acceptable.

jhomrighaus, Mar 14 2007


       This is only the third idea in this category that I have looked at.
normzone, Mar 07 2014

       This is unmistakeably the most macho game idea in the list of ideas in this category.
normzone, Jul 25 2014

       Macho macho man?
jhomrighaus, Aug 25 2014

       Wait this is better   

       David Hasselhoff - The Boardgame
jhomrighaus, Aug 25 2014

       Was the first one "three legs of the tripod"
jhomrighaus, Aug 25 2014

       If you are talking about Hasselhoff, that's not a leg.
bungston, Aug 26 2014

       Rules clarification request:   

       " The winner is the player that is able to garner the largest number of wrong guesses or who's Anno is not placed within a given deadline. "   

       Who specifies the deadline? The first player writing a new anno? If so, I erred, but [jhomrighaus] got it in just under six months.
normzone, Aug 26 2014

       I guess the player that posts the anno sets the deadline. Or perhaps a nice one or two week baseline unless otherwise specified.
jhomrighaus, Aug 27 2014


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