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The Explain Game

Take computer generated gibberish and make it sound like plausible science.
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The computer throws out a nonsense term made up of random gibberish like: "bioclimordial phase contraction" and the player tries to explain what it is by breaking it down and assigning some kind of meaning to its various parts.

So bio, that's easy, biology. Clim, sounds like climate so bio-climate, so far so good. climordial, maybe basic climate based evolution from the simpleist cell maybe? Phase contraction, hmmm. So maybe evolutionary phases based on climate, like more fish evolving to walk on land when the climate makes more land? But contraction means changes in the climate happen more quickly causing the evolutionary adaptations to the variations to happen more quickly? Sure, why not?

The person would post their "thesis" on the nonsense term and it would be compared to others. Most plausible wins.

Inspired by the funny video of the guy using gibberish terms for an electronic system. His wouldn't work because there's no such thing as the made up words he's using, but scrambled together words made of actual language elements? Could actually be made into something real that makes sense.

Also, those action movie title generators but more challenging. Anybody could write a movie called "Maximum Revenge" or "Fists of Termination." Sciency words would actual be a challenge.

Here's the best part, you get good enough you can BS some university to fund a study into a particularly interesting sounding word salad. Sell it by saying "I won't insult the members of this committee by questioning their knowledge of bioclimordial phase contraction, I'll just say that it's those of you who hunger to be at the forefront of this branch of science that I'm appealing to.

doctorremulac3, Mar 30 2023

A program similar to this would generate the terms. https://phrasegenerator.com/actionmovies
You just explain what they mean with a plausible explanation. [doctorremulac3, Mar 30 2023]

Inspired by this. https://www.youtube...watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w
But using vague enough terms that it might actually mean something. [doctorremulac3, Mar 30 2023]


       One of my highschool science teachers used to do this. If he misspelled something on the board, he would challenge the class to make it make sense and come up with a definition for the word as written.
21 Quest, Mar 30 2023

       Did the class have fun with it? Seems like a cool way to lighten things up.
doctorremulac3, Mar 30 2023


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