BACKGROUND: The Drake Equation (named after the astronomer) proposes that the number of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy is equal to the number of stars times the fraction of those which have planets, times the fraction of those planets which are habitable, times the fraction of those that actually
have life, etc., etc, and finally, times the fraction of those that have intelligent life.
A similar formula can be proposed for online dating. I call this the Dork Equation :)
Number of girls on an online dating site with whom a relationship might be possible
Total number of girls on the dating site
fraction that fit your search parameters
fraction of those whose profiles/pictures you like
fraction of the above that you actually write to
fraction of the above who write back
fraction of the above who write back more than one sentence/show interest in you
fraction of the above who can communicate halfway intelligently
fraction of the above who don't disappear after a few messages
fraction of the above who you talk to on the telephone
fraction of the above who agree to a first date
fraction of the above whom you want to keep dating
fraction of the above who agree to a subsequent date
fraction of the above who you have physical chemistry with
This can be easily summarized as:
N = NG x fs x fp x fw x fwb x fws x fwi x fnd x ft x ffd x fkd x fsd x fpc
The fun part is that online dating services can help you compute this. Some values will require user input, like the physical chemistry question. But many of the others can be populated or estimated by the dating service/website itself.