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Tensegrity Drone Defense

There when you need it
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This is a tensegrity structure that collapses and expands, and lives flat on the deck of a tank, IFV, or other vehicle in danger of drone attack.

Lying dormant until a threat is identified, it then uses protected tensioning cables to raise the protective structure of wires and rods to the appropriate height to counteract the incoming object.

Depending on the type of threat the shape, height, and permeability of the raised structure can be tailored for the best defense. Dome, wall, funnel, pseudopod, and net are some of the configurations possible. They are designed to survive after hits by cleverly tensioning, interconnecting and disconnecting damaged sections after contact. The addition of ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) to certain segments can amplify the protection.

The advantages are:

1. Increased visibility over steel plating, steel mesh, chain, etc.whether or not deployed.

2. Full operability of the turret or other deck-mounted equipment whether deployed or not.

3. Easily field-reparable.

4. Much lighter than other protection.

5. Much cooler looking than a tank shed.

6. Post-war use in playgrounds.

minoradjustments, Sep 25 2024

Prize Winner https://architectur...rity-dome-adca2023/
Kinda like this. [minoradjustments, Sep 25 2024]

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       You're going to need some poles mounted to the tank hull, to wrap your tensegrity structure around. The farther away from the hull that tensegrity structure is, the better it is for the tank, since you want the warhead to detonate as far from the tank as possible.   

       In which case, why not have some adhesive mounts you could easily stick onto the tank hull, and then stick long tree branches or brush onto those mounts? With their sub-branches and leaves, they could help keep the drones off, while even offering some camouflage.
sanman, Sep 25 2024


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