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Teacher Exchange Program

To increase foreign culture exposure
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Most of us are familiar with student exchange programs. These allow students to attend school in a foreign country to experience the local culture.

I propose a teacher exchange program to accomplish much the same thing, but on a larger scale. Much academic curriculae is portable - local history and, perhaps, language courses excepted, though even these would be beneficial to share.

Teachers in the volunteer program could rotate ever two years or so. The entire program could be administered by the U.N. or some global teaching organization. The only real restrictions would be the safety of the teachers and the assurance that the teacher was qualified to teach a particular subject.

phoenix, Apr 19 2002

Transitions Abroad http://www.transiti...ork/esl/index.shtml
Give a little, get a little -- be a displaced USAin 'war on terror' refugee. [reensure, Apr 19 2002]


       I'll have you p, in exchange for about; lets see 3 or 4 or ours! <g>
po, Apr 19 2002

       [UnaBubba] They've also chosen three of four countries which have the least differentiation in culture.   

       [po] I'm packing my bags, but I'm guessing we're getting the better end of the bargain.
phoenix, Apr 19 2002


       I should have put this under culture to begin with. I'll mull it some and may move it later (unless an admin beats me to it).   

       I don't see an usurption of local employment as all participation would be voluntary (for the foreign teacher as well as the local school district) and a local teacher would be just as eligible to participate elsewhere. I concur that there may be some barriers which are simply too large to overcome.
phoenix, Apr 19 2002

       \\Same language, you see\\\\\
Thats a matter of opinion ;-)
IvanIdea, Apr 19 2002

       'Ere, now, 'omey: Toss your wellies and anorak in the boot with the spanner and torch and Bob's your uncle. Mind the barbie: it's totally off hook.   

       I've brought lollies, crisps, chips, butties, pops, bangers and custard for the picnic. Got a bumbershoot?
phoenix, Apr 19 2002

       Hell's fire, sounds like a windbag at a dog dance. Open the door, quick, get him in here afore the neighbors figure we done lost our minds.
reensure, Apr 19 2002

       Phoenix is referring to his Auntie Ella
IvanIdea, Apr 19 2002

       phoenix, knock me up when you leave.   

       As I understand it, British folks do not mind being told they are homely. (I could be wrong though - there might be a few who would be 'quite pleased'.)
waugsqueke, Apr 19 2002

       We had an American teacher from an exchange program at my school once. He supervised an afternoon session of "double football" during which it became clear he had absolutely no idea what any of the rules were. This allowed all manner of vicious, scything tackles and sporadic use of the hands to infiltrate the "beautiful game". It's a wonder no-one was killed. Good work I say.
brewmaster, Apr 19 2002

       [waugsqueke] See? An American teacher would get canned (not caned) for saying that.   

       [For the admins] Although the annotations have deteriorated into an English discrepancy dialog, the idea encompasses somewhat more than that.
phoenix, Apr 19 2002

       Clutching at straws methinks.
brewmaster, Apr 19 2002

       There is a very good little phrasebook for English as spoken across Britain. Corruptions and slang and dialects are quite well served by it. I only flicked through but I did notice it had a serious section on the growth of the word 'innit' and the socio-cultural factors which have helped its inception. The phrasebook is published by Lonely Planet. I hope they do phrasebooks for other languages. By the way, croissant for the exchange program, although not for language teaching; I have read that it is better *not* to learn a language from a native speaker unless you are immersing yourself in it.
sappho, Apr 22 2002

       Waiter, there's a fly in my alphabet soup. "It's filling in for the apostrophe sir" (Joke stolen from Kermit the Frog)
brewmaster, Apr 25 2002

       UB: " the unwillingness of your government to allow foreign nationals to usurp local jobs."   

       Possibly true for some jobs, but when it comes to teaching and nursing the Brit govt is actively recruiting from all over the world, in a desperate bid to fill the gaps. There was a period last year when some schools were threatening to close down one or two days a week from lack of staff. Recently there were reports in the tabloids of teachers recruited from 3rd world countries returning in disgust at the standards in UK classrooms, and the behaviour of the kids in particular.
Saveloy, Apr 25 2002

       Maybe recruiting teachers from the third world (no offence intended to anyone) is the way forward for British schools-I bet members of Zanu PF could keep order in the classroom.
IvanIdea, Apr 25 2002

       Ditto. I have enough trouble with my adults.
phoenix, Apr 25 2002

       there is an overseas qualification course now. some NZ and Australian teachers are not qualified to teach here without doing it.
po, Apr 25 2002

       Try these peole they provide American teachers with jobs in the Uk at full pay. I know a couple of my friends who have done it and loved it. They provide work permits and positons, and all kind of advice.   

Dr J, Apr 03 2003


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