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TPU-equipped phone/consumer devices

Machine learning in-your-pocket/on your desktop
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Yes, sorry - not remotely whimsical, just nuts-and-bolts. Someone must already be working on this.

Machine Learning (the technology, the industry and the hype) is growing rapidly.

A hugely general statement, acknowledging that the term is used very loosely as a trendy tech catchphrase.

Used here in a totally broad and vague sense, due to a lack of any specific knowledge on my part.

Growing in capability, size and application. Growing in deployment, pubic awareness and marketing.

It's following the typical tech pathway from academic research to commercial tech lab development to geek hacklab implementations to earliest consumer applications...

...and as it grows in usefulness (and consumer applications begin to grow in number), the demand for ML-specific hardware will grow.

Google's Coral Edge TPU is now available as a consumer product, and certainly more will follow. But currently in a big GPU- style PCI card, and requires extensive technical knowledge to set up. (edit... and in a USB stick format too)

Intel's Aspen Lake is a step towards on-chip integration of different types of cores for different functions, but nothing ML- specific.

Exponential growth and spread of ML-based applications will happen as they become more useful and useable.

So - your iPhone (a couple of generations down the line) will need TPU(s) to do the latest cool "ML" thing quickly, and your laptop will likewise.

And a few generations later, it will be integrated on the CPU

For those who fear AGI is just around the corner: It goes everywhere with you, it does everything for you, and it will know everything about you. And you will love it, because it does cool things. Quickly.

(post edit. so far, things like recognising people from their voice, image etc., real-time physics modelling, object detection/identification...)

Frankx, Oct 31 2021

This is the beginning...Linus Tech Tips https://youtu.be/B635wcdr6-w
Google Coral Edge in a consumer PCI card, with an application use case [Frankx, Oct 31 2021]


       Mmmm I imagine the new TPUaster which watches you move about the kitchen and analyses your fridge contents and shopping habits, so that it can pre-heat the elements just in time for you to put a slice of bread into the slot.
pocmloc, Oct 31 2021

       //lack of whimsy// - yes, true. Perhaps I should have started with an apology for lack of whimsy.   

       //big processor to be made small// Ah, thanks for pointing that out. Entirely improbable that over the next few generations, processors will get smaller. That almost never happens.   

       //already working on it// I would expect they are. If they’re not talking about it (and they’re not), then it’s probably a good enough idea that they don’t want to share it with their competitors.   

       Aye, but fair enough. Perhaps I wasn’t crystal clear that the invention is a new type of IC tailored for compact/mobile personal devices and dedicated to the specific processing demands of machine learning. And probably the development of operating systems that support. And all kinds of control, task management, integration
Frankx, Oct 31 2021

       unless you thought you knew what's going on and found out there's something newish that's been happening for quite some time, and you are a halfbaker looking at old posts. In that ccase you may find this idea, even though not whimsy nor original, and possibly not even an idea in and of itself, - interesting.
pashute, Nov 03 2021

       I will be posting about my startup Overstand, doing artificial comprehension (WITHOUT self-learning neural nets) soon this year. Stay tuned.
pashute, Nov 03 2021

       Machine Learning, or AI as it's now called, typically needs two phases for a supervised classification task. The first is the training phase where models are built from data. This requires a lot of processing power and a lot of time. It's not unusual for a deep learning model to require days of processing for feature extraction and fitting. Once the model is ready based on an estimate of how it will perform on new data, it can be saved. The other phase is the test phase. Some new data is presented to the model and a prediction happens. Typically, the test phase does not require anywhere near as much processing power and happens somewhere else.   

       I would imagine that a phone is typically used with a previously saved model to make a prediction from some new data so there would not be a pressing need to actually build new models in the phone.   

       Cloud infrastructure is what is used to build models. Like love-hotel rooms, you rent this by the hour. My own personal best is 576 CPUs and I used these for less than an hour. I didn't look at the bill.
DenholmRicshaw, Nov 03 2021

       What [DenholmRicshaw] said - the computationally intense part of a traditional ML workflow is to efficiently encode a series of rules and choices into a function that's commonly expressed as a relatively high-dimensional vector that maps informational inputs (say image pixels) onto a vector of semantic outputs (cat, dog, sausage, tank etc)   

       The learning process that tunes that function takes a lot of effort, but once complete, the resultant bit of wiring is fairly light in terms of processing - so it's not clear (given the current state of the technology) how embedding a TPU at the "sensory" end of the process would help much.   

       Also props for your CPU highscore [DR]- I'm yet to top 32.
zen_tom, Nov 03 2021


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