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Swiss Army Voltmeter

Shape change to increase portability
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The trouble with voltmeters, even the small ones, is that the 'form factor' makes them impossible to put the innards into a shape that easily fits into one's pocket when the probes stick out of one face. So why not put the display on one edge, rather than the face, then change the big selector knob to a sliding switch on the opposite edge. Probes would nest into the other two sides, possibly swinging out as blades would on a knife. This more compact shape would easily fit into a pants pocket. There might even be room left over for a screwdriver, eh?
Steamboat, Jan 09 2008

Tiny voltmeter http://news.thomasnet.com/fullstory/13364
It's only a component and it's not nifty enoug1h for the Swiss Army, [Jinbish, Jan 09 2008]

Try this http://www.multimet...sheets/US_DMM15.pdf
Probes nest in the side, still has nice visible display. [ConsulFlaminicus, Jan 10 2008]

Pocket Digital Meter http://www.amazon.c...d=1199979874&sr=8-3
The one I have is similar to this [csea, Jan 10 2008]

Mastech Pen Meter http://toolsmet.com/multi-testers/11.html
Pen-style meter [csea, Jan 10 2008]


       >So why not put the display on one edge   

       Might be kind of small and hard to read. What size do you imagine? The screwdriver would be a nice touch, best if it pulled out like the tweezers or toothpick of a SAK, so it could be used to tweak whatever you are measuring.   

       I've used a pocket DVM from R. Shack for at least 8-9 years, and it wraps the permanently attached leads inside and closes to form a (roughly) 1-1/4" x 3-1/2" x 3/8" (3.2 x 9 x 1cm) case. The digits are about 1/2" (1.3cm) high and quite readable.   

       The rotary knob is a bit of a pain, but can be made to work, and the small size means it goes along many times when I can't be bothered to carry my full sized Fluke 8060A.   

       R. Shack seems no longer to carry these, pity.
csea, Jan 09 2008

       Why does the Swiss Army have a particular need for a voltmeter (over say, the French or Belgian Army)?
Brett-Blob, Jan 09 2008

       watt's that you say ?
FlyingToaster, Jan 09 2008

       The HB does seem to have a capacitance for fielding puns of high frequency. It inducts others to probe for scope of ample banter.
Ling, Jan 09 2008

       Ohm y god!
angel, Jan 09 2008

       Hello [angel]!. You seem to be lacking continuity on this site!.
HNY by the way!
gnomethang, Jan 09 2008

       resistance is futile...
FlyingToaster, Jan 09 2008

       Potentially, a good idea.
ConsulFlaminicus, Jan 10 2008

       Amp roud to have been a part of this. But seriously...
csea, Jan 10 2008

       Wire you all punning? It's enough to me want to join the circuits.   

       This is shocking.
hippo, Jan 10 2008

       Such a shame to Sie men ruin a perfectly good HB idea with a Series of puns. [Steamboat] has a got every right to tell you all to Kirch off!
Jinbish, Jan 10 2008

       The Henry ('L') is a unit of inductance and a Wheatstone Bridge is an arrangement of resistors so I'm guessing the 'cycles' part of the mnemonic is there to make you remember 'C' for capacity.   

       That is my current thinking anyway.
ConsulFlaminicus, Jan 11 2008

       I hope it works better than the Swiss Navy depth gauge.
elhigh, Jan 11 2008

       There is. Special Swiss "Stealth" cheese, made entirely of holes extracted from Gruyere. Very light to transport, and truly delicious.......
8th of 7, Jan 11 2008


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