Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Guitar Hero: 4'33"

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Weaves wires into structures
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Like a spider spinning its web, the Structurobot rides along the metal spikes and connects new ones building trusses and connecting them into a lightweight structure. A la Eifel tower.

They go along the existing structure and add to it, perhaps analogous to ribosomes on the DNA. So typically there are many of these structuRobots running along the beams on the construction site doing their thing.

They could be made very small, for tiny ultralight and ultra-strong miniature structures, or very large for building buildings.

pashute, Jul 17 2024

opposite of this idea Cobweb-Recycling_20Microbots
[pertinax, Jul 18 2024]


       Good catch, [a1].
pertinax, Jul 18 2024



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