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Stereo Hearing Protection Headphones

Not an idea, but what I did
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My idea - and what I've seen, someone else had an idea for warm fuzzy earphones - is a product I haven't been able to find in stores.

You can have noise attenuating radio earmuffs, or you can have active cancellation headphones for your personal stereo, but you can't have passive attenuation earmuff-headphones that will let you hear your walkman.

Maybe you can, but I can't. I've looked in a lot of places and not found them.

Fortunately, cheap headphones breed like a bastard amalgamation of flies and wire hangers: they're everywhere in my house! I simply removed the pads and foam from my middle-range noise attenuating earmuffs, took the headphones apart, and placed the little speakers in a small hollow I carved into the earmuff foam. A little bit of hot glue holds it all together.

A tiny slit at the bottom of the earmuff pad rubber lets me route the wire through in a neat manner, and another careful dab of glue puts it all back together as if it had been designed that way.

Nicer headphones yield better sound, and better noise muffs block the extraneous sounds better; obviously choosing the best of both yields the best results. The best part is I can now work in my yard, run the weedwacker, even run the big Great Dane mower and still listen to Harry Potter on CD.

When using this system, set your cell phone on "vibrate." You'll never know a call is coming otherwise.

elhigh, Mar 08 2006

Warm Fuzzy Earphones http://www.hammache...14.asp?promo=xsells
[jurist, Mar 09 2006]

Instructions for Do-It-Yourself Headphones http://www.electric...ues.com/audio1.html
Pictures and instructions for DIY noise-protection stereo headphone muffs similar to the ones [elhigh] constructed. [jurist, Mar 09 2006]

Beyer DT100's http://www.dv247.com/invt/5010/
Keeps noise out, keeps sound in. [wagster, Mar 09 2006]


       There's liability issues with having sound-insulating headphones, since its a safety hazard to go jogging in the city and not be able to hear approaching cars, trains, etc. In the US at least, some yahoo would sue whoever made these.
sninctown, Mar 09 2006

       Lawsuits are like writing a book - there's a lot of junk and many good ones around. Not a good idea to stop people from writing though.
normzone, Mar 09 2006

       Done! Been around for years.
FunkyMunky, Mar 09 2006

       <zen moment> So, [sninctown], if a deaf person, wearing sound-insulatiing headphones, gets wasted by a car driver - who gets to sue who? </zm>
robilode, Mar 09 2006

       FunkyMunky, please provide us with a link to prove your statement. I, for one, would be interested in purchasing such a product. Thanks.
junglefish, Mar 09 2006

       This sounds like a pair of DT100's (link).
wagster, Mar 09 2006

       I don't know about a link but we can get them for work. I work in a loud factory and occupational health and safety rules say I can't wear ear bud speakers under my earmuffs. The only way I can have music while I work is to have speakers inside the earmuffs. One of the people I work with has a pair. They're pretty good. They cost about $150 AUD.
FunkyMunky, Mar 10 2006

       OK, so I never found those Breyers. But I'm too cheap to part with $150 - Australian or otherwise - for a set of phones. I can spend $30 for a set of excellent, 30db reduction phones, another $10 for a set of decent earbuds, and make three sets of stereo attenuators for less than those.
elhigh, Mar 10 2006


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