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Static electric propulsion

Propeling seacraft or aircraft with static energy
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My idea entitles having a highly powerful van dugrave generator without using any moving parts so all it does is make an electrostatic attraction charge that is relayed into a tube. This tube will suck sea water in or air with emence amounts of static charges and propel it out of the other end of the tube using the back part of the tube changing charge. Just like an AC current motor switches its charges to spin a shaft this will shift charges in order to suck water into it and propel it out the back kind of like a water jet engine, with nuclear powered energy sources on submarines this maybe a new way to make quiter submarines, for aircraft it could be used to be a more energy efficeient nuclear powered alternative to the jet engine for the future when jet fuel prices are too high.
JoeLounsbury, Oct 14 2003

"Caterpillar Drive". http://www.everythi...1352&node_id=897637
Last section is best. [bungston, Oct 04 2004]


       [JL] - welcome to the HB. Two quick things: 1. Spelling snobs abound here. You need to spellcheck. You can edit your ideas and fix the spelling. It makes you seem smart. 2. It is possible to attract water with static electricity, but I think in order to attract it with the force you require, you will have lightning bolts hitting everything anywhere near.
bungston, Oct 14 2003

       This seems similar to the fictional submarine propulsion device central to the plot of the 1990 film “The Hunt for Red October”.
Laughs Last, Oct 14 2003

       I was sort of put off by the presentation of this idea, but the Red October suggestion made me go digging. Apparently electrostatic water engines are possible. In the link, a guy described how he made a working model while in high school. His prose style is pretty fun. In any case, I will change my vote to a bun because I learned something. Sort of reminds me of the moral of the story at the end of each "He-Man" episode. Here, [Laughs] is He-Man. I'm still Spikor.
bungston, Oct 15 2003

       I'm unconvinced. Water molecules have a polarity but no charge. I don't understand how you exert a large force on a neutral particle using a static charge.   

       I'd like to read the idea in English, though, before I make up my mind.
st3f, Oct 15 2003

       st3f - water molecules, as you say, are not charged but are strongly polar. The effect is the diassociated molecules of 2H+ and O2- ... which does mean they are charged.
jonthegeologist, Oct 15 2003

       This idea is more than half-baked. See the following URL: http://jlnlabs.imars.com/lifters/orville/index.htm
autgg, Mar 24 2004

       Wouldn't you have hydrogen molecules shooting out one end and hydroxide ions shooting out the other for no net thrust?
Spare parts, Jun 22 2004

       Static electricity is the accumulation of electrons or protons on an object, this charge works similarly to certain materials as ferrous materials do to magnets. However unlike magnets, static has the potential to discharge, this of course occurs when the Voltage reaches a critical level in proportion to the external resistance. I had an idea to do just about the opposite of what your idea was, but in both cases the true problem is to prevent the static from discharging. As far as I can reason out you need to do this by providing the static electricity somewhere to discharge that isn’t external OR by balancing the charge internally while dynamically adapting for changes in resistance externally that may give the static the opportunity to discharge.
JBWT, Jan 25 2008

       You know I was just thinking about that Hydrogen comment, and while his idea would most likely have some molocules charged enough to lose their bonds strictly from the stray energy the static would produce. Consider this, if you take a comb and run it through your hair you are gathering electrons onto the comb giving it a negative charge. Now take that comb and put it near a lightly running tap of water, the water will bend around the comb due to the water and the comb having the same charge or polarity. For "Joe L." 's idea to work he would have the device create a positive charge in the front attratcing the water. When water splits the hydrogen would shoot out the front but the Oxygen would still be attrated and enter the device. Granted the number of attoms that would do this is a 2 to 1 ratio against. But thrust is merely the ability to overcome the resistance and produce movement. And while there would be stray hydrogen atoms shooting out the front I doubt that would be enough resistance to prevent thrust.
JBWT, Jan 25 2008

       Also I just had an idea while I was typing that last comment. If you use a device similar to the Van Dugrave generator (moving parts or not) you could use the voltage of the generator and a few capacitors to store some of the charge, then use it split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. With a powerful enough generator it could make an effective free energy battery... hmmm....
JBWT, Jan 25 2008

       I just had an idea while reading that second to last anno, about the possible existence of Molochules, the movement of which would be responsible for concentrations of evil. Or maybe Lucas beat me to that with the Midichlorians?
bungston, Jan 28 2008


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