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Standing Wave Tight-Rope

tightrope that makes nodes and anti-nodes
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I love tight-rope ideas - so here's another one. (I have more)

Standing Wave Tight-rope spans a valley and displays standing waves.

In the off position, it's just an ordinary tight-rope, but when the vibrator is activated at the anchor point on one side, the wire displays the characteristic nodes and anti-nodes of a standing wave.

Illuminated at night, probably using strobes, Standing Wave Tight-Rope becomes a visitor attraction spectacle.

(Standing Wave Tight-Rope is not recommended for walking on when in the "activated" mode)

see links for more information on vibrating strings and wires.

xenzag, Feb 22 2023

http://hyperphysics...e/Waves/string.html [xenzag, Feb 22 2023]

http://drlaurencean...ure_-_harmonics.pdf [xenzag, Feb 22 2023]

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       I think they would be flung off on the first step.
xenzag, Feb 22 2023


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