Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"Put it on a plate, son. You'll enjoy it more."

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Squeeze Egg Yolk

The best part of the egg, now in a user-friendlier format
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This morning, eating my breakfast, I realised that the best part of a big fried breakfast is the runny egg yolk soaking into toast and covering the bacon and possibly running down your chin.

With this in mind, I reasoned that it would be very nice to have heated egg yolk in a squeeze bottle, so you can lather your toast and bacon and grilled tomatoes... or your bagel and smoked salmon and spinach with it, to make it a truly sumptuous meal.

Not dissimilar to milk in terms of longevity and storage requirements, though it may require a powered bottle with a heater unit in the nozzle, to get it warm on the way out of the bottle.

UnaBubba, Apr 29 2012

Available, though not in a squeezy heating bottle http://capriovus.eu/en/node/50
[MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 29 2012]

frozen whites and / or yolks http://www.michaelf...-WHITES-ENGLISH.pdf
[xandram, Apr 30 2012]



       Presumably the egg white goes into the manufacture of meringues ?
8th of 7, Apr 29 2012

       Wow, a 1kg pack, use within 24 hours. That's some serious power-eating to get through that!
pocmloc, Apr 29 2012

       If "Cool Hand Luke" had had this, he could have eaten 500 eggs in an hour instead of 50.
xenzag, Apr 29 2012

       Meringues would be a good use for the "bycatch", [8th].
UnaBubba, Apr 29 2012

       Angel food cakes with the whites. Mmmmm, I miss those.
AusCan531, Apr 30 2012

       Lemon meringue topping on a passionfruit curd pie. The best reason to separate eggs.
UnaBubba, Apr 30 2012

       If egg yolk touches my pancakes I won't eat that bite. Sorry, but I'm a cooked yolk sort of gal. (Except for hollandaise sauce.)
blissmiss, May 01 2012

       I like my runny yolks on the stiff side of runny, but I do so like them. I like my eggs fried in the grease from the bacon or sausages, in a cast-iron pan that is rarely cleaned, so that the whites are crispy on the outside and loaded with BCBs, and I like to let the runny yolk mix with the hot sauce as it cools and congeals on the plate, then I mop it up with nice greasy strips of chewy, undercooked bacon.   


Alterother, May 01 2012

       And how much do you weigh?
blissmiss, May 01 2012

       Sorry, that was rude.
blissmiss, May 01 2012

       ^don't be, it was funny. Anyway, I'm very open with personal questions.   

       Normally about 210-220#, depending on the season and how much metal fabrication work I've been doing, but I lost a lot of muscle mass while convalescing prior to the motorcycle crash, so right now I'm at a very bony 183.   

       I have Celiac disease, of which one of the side effects can be difficulty storing fat, so under a normal routine, I work hard, eat a high-protien gluten-free diet, and have a muscular build with not much body fat. If I have to be sick, at least I can look good doing it.   

       I also love thick ribeye steaks grilled very rare, and there's no end to the things I will attempt to fry and/or melt cheese over. My cholesterol level is on the low side of normal.   

       So, nyah-nyah.
Alterother, May 01 2012

       Smart ass huh?
blissmiss, May 01 2012

       Haven't we met? I'm [The Alterother], and yes, I'm a reknowned smart-ass. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Alterother, May 01 2012

       And I'm the sweet shrinking violet [blissmiss]. Now back to talking about dripping, globby, yellow, goo.
blissmiss, May 01 2012

       As I used to say to my ex: "It's much better to be a smart-ass than a dumb-ass."
AusCan531, May 01 2012

blissmiss, May 01 2012


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