Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Spoon Horn

Stop the spoon from shooting water all over the kitchen
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How many times has this happened to you?

You turn on the water in your kitchen sink, only to find that a spoon that was left there before is in a perfect position to catch the water and send it back out toward your nice linen pants!

Or even khaki!

Well, wet linens or khakis will be a thing of the past with the new design innovation, the Spoon Horn. Spoon manufacturers, simply add a rounded bump behind the bowl of the spoon, at the point where the handle meets the bowl. The bump should be taller than the depth of the bowl. There! Now, any spoon placed on its bottom will immediately tump over on its side. No more water shows in the kitchen sink.


bovious, Jul 21 2004

Gay Khaki http://www.google.c...y+khaki&btnG=Search
Note 1st result on Google [thumbwax, Oct 04 2004]


       This happens with bowls, too. I wish they made a bowl that you could turn inside out before putting it in the sink.
phundug, Jul 21 2004

       The downside is that the spoons are no longer stackable for storage in the flatware drawer. (Unless, of course, I've visualized it incorrectly).
krelnik, Jul 21 2004

       [krelnik]- If the bump was hollow they might still be able to stack.
evilmathgenius, Jul 21 2004

       Perhaps a thick coating of custard on the side of the sink would let you embed a spoon for later washing.
phundug, Jul 21 2004

       I'm never eating custard again.
yabba do yabba dabba, Jul 21 2004

       I said or khaki! Nothing gay about khaki!
bovious, Jul 21 2004

       Krelnik, evilmathgenius: stacking is not an issue for me. We don't keep that many spoons and they can flop around in their little compartment all day long.   

       contracts, do you live alone? I have no control over any of the three people I live with putting a spoon in the sink. And it's uncanny how spoons seem to gravitate toward the point where the water hits.   

       Maybe a new innovation: convex (or is it concave?) sink bottoms?
bovious, Jul 21 2004

       I'm voting for this because, even though I don't like the solution, I'm impressed that you’ve managed to find such an obscure problem.
ldischler, Jul 21 2004

       [contracts]: Washing....dishes? No comprendo.
shapu, Jul 21 2004

       If those are original ideas, [scout], you should post them. Especially the last one.
lintkeeper2, Jul 23 2004

       what scout said except for the part about patterns and the countermeasures, I don't have a clue what he means there.   

       Do you mean inability?
dentworth, Jul 23 2004

       On my shower/tub, you have to lift a lever to make the water come out of the showerhead. Then when you are done and turn the water off, the lever falls back down on its own (it must be held up by the pressure) so that when you turn the water on again, it is coming out of the bottom faucet.
luecke, Jul 23 2004

       //the lever falls back down on its own...etc...//   

Most tubs are set up that way. Sometimes the lever stays up though, likely evil- or karma-related, and you get a cold blast you were not expecting.
lintkeeper2, Jul 23 2004

       //Most tubs are set up that way. Sometimes the lever stays up though, likely evil- or karma-related, and you get a cold blast you were not expecting.//   

       What kind of Andrew Carnegie world do you live in? Us blue-collar folks still have to turn the shunt just like we used to. Or lower the handle. Either orther.
shapu, Jul 23 2004

       It seems to me that just about any item will arrange itself so that it re-directs a jet of water over the edge of the sink (inanimate objects will move just enough to get in the way related theory).
Maybe it would be better to change the tap nozzle so that it "showers" the water rather than jetting it.
Then all the droplets would interfere and not all bounce in the same direction?
Ling, Jul 23 2004

       //What kind of Andrew Carnegie world do you live in?//   

       I am neither rich nor a philanthropist. My previous comment referred to the one above it, and I will highlight that so you can understand what I was saying.
lintkeeper2, Jul 23 2004

       No, I mean - I've never seen a tub with the redirection level set up so that it is held up by water pressure and drops down when the water is turned off. It seems so foreign (and, therefore, expensive, since all foreign things are expensive </generalization>)
shapu, Jul 23 2004

       Yes! This happens waaaaaaaaaay too often!
DesertFox, Jul 23 2004

       [Scout]: Your moisture detecting worktop is great! Stops me ruining the Sunday papers. Please post as idea.
wagster, Jul 25 2004

       "moisture detecting worktop" = unfinished wood.
ldischler, Jul 25 2004

       Or granite
Ling, Jul 25 2004

       Fixing the contents of the sink to avoid splashing is a workaround to the real problem, which is that you want to be able to turn the kitchen tap full on regardless of the sink contents.   

       But this is already solved: either you can get one of those sinks with two compartments, so you always have one that can take tap water without splashing, or you get a sprinkler head for the tap. Never had one of those splash on my khakis.
DrCurry, Jul 25 2004


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