Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Sponsored Free Bridge Crossings

Your crossing is brought to you free courtesy of Doctorremulac3 and his minions.
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This seems like a no brainer. Everybody wins.

Businesses sponsor a free bridge crossing for a set amount of cars, paying a premium to the bridge company for the right to do so. The light screens say "Cross free courtesy of Coca Cola" for the next 100 - 99 - 98... cars.

Advertising that actually makes the customer say "Wow! Thanks company X! You're awesome!"

It would have to be a set amount of cars being shown by a countdown clock to prevent people trying to rush to the toll gate before a timed free crossing expired resulting in much flaming death for all.

doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2015

This drop in cholesterol is brought to you by... This_20Drop_20In_20...y_20The_20Superbowl
[theircompetitor, Apr 29 2015]


       So, if company X, say Coca Cola, pays for 100 bridge crossings, can they be outbid by Company Y, say Pepsi? Now, the sign reads "Your bridge crossing could have been free, but Coca Cola didn't want to pay. $3 please" That way, the bridge gets the toll, higher sponsorship and extraordinarily disgruntled customers, which is what they strive to create.   

       Extra bidding wars for roadworks. "this lane closure is brought to you by the cheap bastards at Pepsico"
bs0u0155, Apr 29 2015

       I got a free bridge crossing on the Golden Gate one day in a bad rain/wind storm on my motorcycle.   

       The bridge was swinging back and forth, and you could REALLY feel it. When I got across to the toll booth, the crew inside were laughing their asses off.   

       They waved me by and refused to take my money.
normzone, Apr 29 2015

       This crossing brought to you by Coca Tola. Actually not a bad idea. [+] Perhaps the first 100 cars displaying our products' QR code and advertising on their bumper stickers could have their fare paid by the advertiser. That way multiple companies could get in on the act.
AusCan531, Apr 29 2015

       //Perhaps the first 100 cars displaying our products' QR code and advertising on their bumper stickers could have their fare paid by the advertiser. That way multiple companies could get in on the act.//   

       Wow, I think you're on to something there. Totally doable with image recognition technology already in place to read license plates for toll crossings. The Golden Gate Bridge previously mentioned doesn't use toll takers any more, it just takes a pic of your license plate and sends you a bill. You could scan for the company advertisement and reverse the charge for the customer.
doctorremulac3, Apr 29 2015

       Kind of spendy for the advertiser.
bungston, Apr 29 2015

       Well, a cost cutting measure might be a lottery thing where every 10th person with a bumper sticker gets through free.
doctorremulac3, Apr 29 2015

       opportunistic dyslexia this week: "sponsored beer fridge crossing"
FlyingToaster, Apr 29 2015

       This could become so very evil. [+]
Voice, Apr 29 2015


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