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Spider Rental Service

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As Halloween spreads its inane influence around the world outside the US gradually, UBCo has devised a stunningly simple business model, for its subcontractors and franchisees... Spider Rental.

Every year, about now, we deliver a few dozen big healthy spiders to your home, so they can build their webs in time for Halloween.

By spiders, I mean BIG ***HAIRY*** monsters, fresh from the Australian Bush, with fangs and camouflage patterning and legs 6 inches long and shit.

No need for fake, crappy webs when you can have the real thing, and insect control as well.

Then, after Halloween, we will return and catch them, so you don't have to live in a haunted house all year 'round.

UnaBubba, Aug 17 2022

Largest spider web https://www.nationa...-pictures-strongest
Comes from 1 of "newest" species [4and20, Aug 17 2022]

Australian Spider Webstravaganza https://www.google....mgrc=fMZIEK-mpyA9UM
Usually after floods, when the spiders are all concentrated on high, drier ground. [UnaBubba, Aug 17 2022]

Joro spider https://4.bp.blogsp.../s1600/DSC_0039.JPG
[Voice, Aug 17 2022]

Golden Orb Weavers https://australian....rb-weaving-spiders/
These are BIG spiders, with big webs [UnaBubba, Aug 23 2022]


       I'm thinking Golden Orb Weavers; a good- sized web and a feisty bite, but no- one dies.
pertinax, Aug 17 2022

       Ya wonder if people in Madagascar always thought those terrifying webs were just Halloween pranks.
4and20, Aug 17 2022

       Please tell me your spiders are sterile.
Voice, Aug 17 2022

       //a feisty bite//   

       This is a good thing??
Voice, Aug 17 2022

       For the spider, yes.
pertinax, Aug 17 2022

       I think this business idea has legs.
AusCan531, Aug 18 2022

       ^ (+)   

Delivering to every spider fan.
Spins some webs, any size
Catch attention from gothic eyes.
Look Out!
Here comes the Spider-Van.

       Orb weavers for sure. Used to see those guys in Okinawa hanging out in the middle of their massive webs, looking like they're floating over walkways.
21 Quest, Aug 18 2022


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