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Sonic Differ

Highlights the Differences (Similarities) of Music Tracks
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Somewhat similar to a Text Differ (which shows the differences and similarities of two text files), but instead of textual differences, this application analyses the tempo, frequency, key-changes and lyrics (after first using voice recognition techniques to extract them).

The output is stereo audio of the similar pieces placed side by side.

An example is not provided (unless you ask very nicely)

Dub, Apr 25 2011


       is this for karaoke purposes? oh, I think I missed something here.
po, Apr 25 2011

       No, I was thinking more for checking your track wasn't an accidental cover of something else... Or it might be used in court copyright cases.   

       ([po], Check your multiply account)
Dub, Apr 25 2011

       what a cacophony! :( now you know I have no ear for this stuff.
po, Apr 25 2011

       Listen to it on headphones and one channel at a time (pop-in/out your headphones, if you can't cope with the binauralness of it ;) )   

       BTW, it sounds perfectly normal to me. Actually, I quite like it.
Dub, Apr 25 2011

       it repeats - I went off to read something and yes, its growing on me - no headphones though.
po, Apr 25 2011

       more an automated search than a compare, yes ?
FlyingToaster, Apr 25 2011

       Yes, but that's what text differs do
Dub, Apr 25 2011

       I mean automated searching through a large database of songs, rather than one at a time (for which you can use your ears).
FlyingToaster, Apr 25 2011

       No, not a database. You provide two songs and it analyses them and plays correllated parts alongside eachother. I suppose you could run the comparison against all the music on iTunes/Amazon etc... but that may take some time.
Dub, Apr 25 2011

       //An example is not provided (unless you ask very nicely)// Please, pretty please? With marmalade on top?
mouseposture, Apr 25 2011

       Kind of related - It's trivial to find the difference between a track and its mp3 or other lossily encoded product; it's just a straightforward subtraction of each corresponding sample value, taking into account any padding at the track's end(s). The result is essentially pure compression artifact, and is rather interesting to hear.   

       What you are trying to do sounds highly non trivial.
spidermother, Apr 26 2011

       There’s actually a feature of a lot of audio editors called “remove vocals” that uses the difference between the left and right channels to remove whatever is exactly in the middle (usually the vocals).
ojsx, Apr 26 2011

       [mouseposture] are you on multiply.com? {social network}   

       Get a (free) account and send a PM personal message to user [dubatmultiply] {let me know your HB handle, too} and I'll let you have a listen.   

       [spidermother], non-trivial, but non-impossible... Shazam manages to do something a little similar... and arguably, part of the task.   

       [ojsx], yes, but usually just clever mixing (subtracting the common signal - which works becauce the vocal is usually on both L/R channels). Not really the same thing, but might be part of the task, too.   

       [bigsleep], well talking Italian isn't going to help, is it?! It could just pitch-hift/tempo-shift one track relative to the other... Non-trivial, but... somewhere I have a great link to show you... Meanwhile, skedaddle over to Multiply, let me know your Id, and listen (and retract that bone, sir!)
Dub, Apr 26 2011

       [Dub] Sure, I didn’t mean to suggest it was the same thing; just thought it would be of interest if you didn’t know about it.
ojsx, Apr 27 2011

       I feel the need to stick the phrase "aural turpitude" somewhere.
FlyingToaster, Apr 27 2011

       Did it stay in, or has it fallen out?   

       Oh, sorry, aural
Dub, Apr 27 2011


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