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Solar Powered, Light Seeking Flower Pot

A flower pot that seeks light
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I have a small back yard, much of which is shaded at any given time. In the morning, the back of the yard is the first to get the sun but by afternoon that area is in the shade.

I'd like a light seeking robot plant stand that would have a solar cells all around it. In addition to providing power for the robot, the computer controlling the robot could measure the difference in the power being supplied by the cells and move the stand to maximize the available light.

Ideally, the solar cells would generate sufficient power to power the entire contraption.

It would also be nice if the robot had a homing feature that would let it dock in a specific place at night so that the plant could be watered/fed.

mzellers, Jul 09 2009

You could make your own from an old mouse... http://www.scribd.c...6666573/Mouse-Robot
...and a bromilead plant. [2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 09 2009]

Flocking Road Cones! Flocking_20Road_20Cones
[knowtion, Jul 09 2009]


       and a "run'n'hide" feature if the cops show up... [+]
FlyingToaster, Jul 09 2009

       Well, are they gonna flock or what?!
daseva, Jul 09 2009

       How could you make use of the plant itself for both the power and the intelligence needed? I'd want to minimise the need for additional components   

       Presumably if plants did not need to be rooted in soil, at least some variants would have evolved some form of mobility, and clearly they are good at responding to the light in many ways, including physical motion (turning towards the light etc.) so already have some of the necessary capabilities and functions.   

       (OK - tumbleweeds and airplants etc aren't rooted, and have ended up evolving 'being able to be moved' rather than 'being able to move')   

       Key questions:   

       - can we harness photosynthetic (chemical) energy directly to generate kinetic energy? (There could be many useful applications!!)   

       - can we utilise existing plant-based systems to respond positively to light so that the plant will be its own sensor system?
kindachewy, Jul 09 2009

       Possibly we could design and co-evolve a symbiotic relationship where the pot is replaced with a tortoise like creature - or possibly a tortoise!   

       It has an adapted shell that allows soil and water to collect. Plant seeds fall in, and plants grow up.   

       The plant itself has an orientable branch, which it can turn in the direction of intended travel (e.g. towards the light), and from which it grows delicious-looking leaves, fruits, etc.   

       The tortoise sees the yummy stuff waving gently in that direction and strolls towards it (as per donkey and carrot)   

       From time to time the plant has to drop a fruit down, so that the tortoise actually gets some fuel   

kindachewy, Jul 09 2009

       cool. baked. cooler. www.beamonline.com sunseaking solar powered robotics
evilpenguin, Jul 09 2009

       A species that's both tortoise and flowerpot, hmm. It's no Frankenstein's monster, but still quite scary.
daseva, Jul 09 2009

       This is a good idea. In many situations, the location of sun/shadow is dependant only on the movement of the earth. Therefore the pot need not "think", it could simply follow a pre-programmed routine.   

       However, when you have several pots moving around, you could get a situation where one tall plant shades a short one... this would require the two pots to communicate and switch places.   

       If the pots knew the approx dimensions of the plants within them, then the most efficient solution could be found before the sun even comes up.   

       It would also be nice for the pots to come inside at night if there were a risk of frost.
knowtion, Jul 09 2009

       with skinny legs and cartoon-shoes.
FlyingToaster, Jul 10 2009


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