Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Soft-Top Bottle Cap

I hope I'm not alone here...
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Am I the only one here who uses soda bottles as a chin rest at work? If I am, then that's just sad and well... that would really suck, ok? But if I'm not, then this idea could be a big seller. It's astoundingly non- complicated. Simply put, this idea is for a soft gel pad atop a bottle cap. That is all.
21 Quest, Dec 22 2009


       Only one bottle. The idea would lend to a makeshift bed of bottles.
wjt, Dec 22 2009

       I will bequeath this a bun only if the pad is a separate item so there won't be fifty billion of them in the landfills.   

       Hah! You use a bottle as a chin rest? Wimp. Real men use a knife.
DrWorm, Dec 22 2009

       //Hah! You use a bottle as a chin rest? Wimp. Real men use a knife.//

       Read the post again. I use a bottle for a chin rest *at work*. I got fired from a job once for having a knife out and open. Now the knife stays in the pocket, and nobody seems to notice the metal clip...
21 Quest, Dec 22 2009

       have you got a heavy head or something?
po, Dec 23 2009

       //I got fired from a job once for having a knife out and open//
You should've told them it was to shave your beard.

// Am I the only one here who uses soda bottles as a chin rest at work???
If not the only one, then in a vanishingly tiny minority.
coprocephalous, Dec 23 2009

       I don't do this, but I'm thinking of taking it up. Is it hard to learn? Are there classes?
xenzag, Dec 23 2009

       It can be easy or hard, depending on on a variety of factors. If you have a cleft in your chin it's probably somewhat easier, whereas those with pointy chins may have a harder time of things. A good square chin is always helpful... but a nice round one provides just enough challenge to make it fun. A bushy beard, on the other hand, can provide a bit of a cushion, of course, but the raised scar on my chin adds to the fun as well.
21 Quest, Dec 23 2009


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