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sober idea category
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Its seems many of us like to post ideas afeter we've had a few...myself included.

Well, truth is, ideas seem to flow a little better after a few cold ones, and I doubt anyone would disagree.

So what I propose here is to create a new category, where renound memebers post their sober ideas.

(These members may be deceided by the moderators, as they are most aware of who has been around for a long time and is unlikey to lie about their state for a few measly croissants)

This idea, for example, would not fall into said category, due to perhaps the 100-or-so beers I had in the last few hours.


shinobi, Feb 18 2007

Drinking & Writing Festival, Chicago http://www.drinking....com/wst_page6.html
What GumBob is talking about, presumably. [jutta, Feb 20 2007]


       I don't know which (baker/2) first said it, but impairment begins with the first drink. On the other hand, the diminished condition is relative to a different starting point for different practitioners.   

       It's tangential to the idea, I supposed, but the same can be said of driving. You're probably safer with, say, a professional limo driver with twenty years' driving experience and a blood-alcohol level of 0.09 percent (over the legal limit for drivers where I write this) than with a newly-licensed teenager with merely a single drink. Of water.   

       That's why people should take a blood- alcohol test when they pass a driving test; they can then legally drive at that level.   

       Or is this an old idea? I came in late and missed the beginning.
John I, Feb 18 2007

       //That's why people should take a blood- alcohol test when they pass a driving test; they can then legally drive at that level.//   

       Well, I don't need to search for "the silliest thing I read this Sunday" anymore. Thanks, [John I].
daseva, Feb 18 2007

       it's true we are all //memebers// here.
xandram, Feb 18 2007

       Richard Dawkins, eat your hard trout.
daseva, Feb 18 2007

csea, Feb 18 2007

       I have some of my best ideas when inebriated. Sadly though, I can neither type them up nor remember them later.   

       Of course, it is possible that the ideas are rubbish and my judgement is kaput.
wagster, Feb 18 2007

       I don't write well when drunk myself, and don't enjoy watching people apologize or post something incoherent and then delete it. So, if you're convinced you've smoked, snorted, injected, or drunk yourself to uncharacteristic brilliance, why not save your writing in a text file, and just give it a quick edit once you've sobered up? A few hours' delay won't kill your idea. If it's still brilliant to your morning-after self, hey, maybe that's just the way it is - but at least you can edit it into a shape that would appeal even to the unintoxicated.
jutta, Feb 19 2007

       That, [Jutta], is quite possibly the best advice I've heard in quite a while. And not just for the 'bakery. If I had done that with a few key e-mails in the past, I would likely have a slightly less-awkward relationship with an ex-girlfriend or two...
Hunter79764, Feb 19 2007

       {hic} {hic} - Beer, im mean... Bun
Dmedia, Feb 19 2007

       Yes [jutta], good advice for real life,too. ;)
xandram, Feb 19 2007

       The problem with being convinced that you have become uncharacteristically charming and brilliant is that this certainty comes with a need to inflict your new charm on others, quickly, before that plebian lout who usually inhabits your meat comes home and turns off the loud music.   

       I find my best ideas come when intoxicated with coffee. Something about the irregular heartbeat, I suppose.
bungston, Feb 19 2007

       "Well, truth is, ideas seem to flow a little better after a few cold ones..."
Beer: It's like Ex-Lax for the brain.
half, Feb 19 2007

       While back in my creative writing class, I came across a study of successful writers that indicated that conservative, introverted types did some of their best writing while in their cups, while those of us that are more uninhibited were better off writing sober.   

       [Gumbob], the idea is not alltogether sound, but there may be some merit in [John I]'s idea - but it won't take place in this decade.   

       [bungston], before that plebian lout who usually inhabits your meat comes home and turns off the loud music, well put.
normzone, Feb 20 2007

       I'm sorry, but I could pass a driving test on 20 beers, all cautious moves and warm glaze, go right out the department with a brand new license and hit someone who forgot to make their rash move, thereby testing my impairment, during the exam. In this way, the driving test proved nothing. This will never happen, I'd put any drunk driver's life on it.   

       Anyway, if it did happen, you'd need some sort of virtual driving test to simulate all the potential road hazards that drinking might impare someone from evading. In this scenario, it's quite statistically proven that the current legal limits are exact in reaction time inhibition, in which case there would be no difference in law.   

       Oh yeah, I love writing while I'm drunk. They better never make that illegal. In fact, there is a conference in Chicago every year in celebration of writing and drinking. I hear it's quite the intoxicating experience.
daseva, Feb 20 2007

       Shakespeare notes (in Macbeth Act II, Scene 2), that alcohol "provokes the desire, but takes away the performance"   

       I think that's applicable here.
jonthegeologist, Feb 20 2007

       //Beer: It's like Ex-Lax for the brain.//   

       Ha... that one of yours, [half]?
moomintroll, Feb 22 2007


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