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Smartphone music sync

Surprised this doesn't exist already? Me too!
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Using a smartphone-based digital assistant to identify a song playing in the background has been around for many years now. This idea takes that a step further: to start PLAYING the song in sync with the background music by pre-fetching the music file and skipping to the exact same point in the song as the source in the background it's listening to, then cranking on the volume.
21 Quest, May 10 2024

Great scene from a.great movie https://www.bing.co...BF04EF302&FORM=VIRE
If the Resistance had Smartphone Music Sync the war would have ended sooner! [a1, May 11 2024]

Parentheses and Brackets https://www.grammar...ctuation/parens.asp
Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man. [a1, May 11 2024]

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       Why is this desirable when clearly the song is already playing?
tatterdemalion, May 10 2024

       Because the song playing might just be a few seconds of the song playing as background to a commercial or something
hippo, May 10 2024

       [+] Use your smartphones to prop up protests and other popular demonstrations. Get everyone singing and playing the same music at once.   

       Like the “La Marseillaise” scene in Casablanca. (link)
a1, May 10 2024

       //might just be a few seconds// Then how can it sync with it for the whole song¿ Apologies for syncing(sic) to such a pedantic level, but I think this aspect of the design should be considered..
Edie, May 10 2024

       //might just be a few seconds// Then how can it sync with it for the whole song¿ Apologies for syncing(sic) to such a pedantic level, but I think this aspect of the design should be considered...Let that sync in.
Edie, May 10 2024

       Baked. iTunes match + Shazam.
minoradjustments, May 10 2024

       // iTunes match + Shazam //   

       Shazam IS quick to identify songs and link to Apple Music. But how do you get your phone playback to the exact spot and continue in sync with the external source you're listening to?   

       I took that to be [21Q]'s innovation, and the more I think about it the more I like it. Wish I could give it an extra bun.
a1, May 10 2024

       High praise from you, a1. You got it exactly right.
21 Quest, May 10 2024

       It will be so. (+)   

       //syncing(sic) to such a pedantic level//   

       I think you mean   

       "syncing[sic] to such a pedantic level"
pertinax, May 11 2024

       I looked it up (link). pertinax is right about the brackets but I'm not sure why Edie is using "sic" in that sentence.
a1, May 11 2024

       "But" is used to present conflicting information. You want "and" or "so".
Voice, May 12 2024

       Was the conflict not clear?
a1, May 12 2024


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