Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Smart step

PINGPING! You seem to be trying to walk quietly. Try bending your knees more.
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This smart shoe is designed to monitor an individual's walking, running or other physical activity patterns. Among other things it can keep track of movements, pressure points, balance or weight distribution. The device analyzes this data and offers recommendations for improving one's footwear, posture or exercise habits based on collected information. The system can be connected to a smartphone app that allows users to track their progress over time, receive alerts to adjust their posture, or alerts as to potential gait related health problems like Multiple Sclerosis. It totally won't ever be used to track your location in real time or anything creepy like that.
Voice, Oct 21 2024


       Apparently gait is very individual, like fingerprints. So the system could near-instantly detect if someone else was wearing your shoes, and notify you appropriately as to the identity of the shoe thief.
pocmloc, Oct 21 2024

       I see this as a diagnostic tool, not a daily sneaker choice.
minoradjustments, Oct 22 2024


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