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Slightly different better laptop power jack

inspired by comments on my last laptop power idea....
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Given MisterQED's valid but world-weary comments on my last idea I propose the following. 1 the laptop power adapter has a very small focussed magnet in it. This is in an area that should it attract an errant staple, it will be a: obvious and b: not matter. 2 the laptop has a small reed switch in the jack socket. Normally this is open and the socket is in no way connected to the battery. When plugged in, the magnet closes the reed switch and charging can begin. On top of this, the successful connection of the power fires a relay connecting the battery to the jack. So.... there are always 2 layers of safety between the battery (which in the future will contain more and more energy) and a socket short circuit. Once the safety is in place, several jacks can be bunged all over the machine with wild abandon.
bs0u0155, Feb 15 2010


       1 + magnet = 0
simonj, Feb 15 2010

       It's typical of this place that your eminently sensible and practical idea gets no attention, isn't it? To me, as a humble herbalist, that seems to make sense. I can't help but wonder about charging by induction.
nineteenthly, Feb 18 2010

       [+] a two-piece relay.
FlyingToaster, Feb 18 2010

       Induction charging may be the future. I've heard of prototype systems in which a table charges a laptop placed on it through induction.
hippo, Feb 18 2010

       But i've never understood why electric toothbrushes have been charged this way for so long but nothing else. What's the obstacle?
nineteenthly, Feb 18 2010

       I think it's efficiency/power. Also, your toothbrush has to fit quite snugly onto/into the charger, even if there's no electrical contact, so the advantage isn't huge.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 18 2010

       I don't get the problem that is being solved by these "2 layers of safety."
ldischler, Feb 18 2010

       Shirley we should just wait until fuel cells get safe and cheap, and then just fill up the laptop with ethanol every couple of months?
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 18 2010

       Model aero engine driving a miniature generator?
pocmloc, Feb 18 2010

       Induction charging is totally baked.   


       The reason it's not used all the time is efficiency and the positioning. You are basically taking a transformer, chopping it in half, changing the shape so it's flat, then insulating the two halves from each other with layers of plastic or some such. It's a bit of a pain, and might be a bit much for a fast charge of a high energy density product such as a laptop.   

       In fact there will be even more demand for fast energy transfer in the near future.
bs0u0155, Feb 18 2010

       //just fill up the laptop with ethanol//   

       Methanol might be preferable. There are far better things to do with ethanol.
Wrongfellow, Feb 18 2010

       The reason i'd prefer it, at least from this theoretical position, is that it seems to me that the chargers always seem to fail at the jack plug end, and having a hole in the laptop at that point seems to mean that you can't use the laptop underwater, for example.
nineteenthly, Feb 18 2010

       Maybe you need a cable attached to the laptop, which plugs into a socket in the power brick?
Wrongfellow, Feb 18 2010

       Your modifications are an improvement, but per my last rant, if the staple is shorting the connection then it will at best prevent charging.   

       As for other charging methods, either inductive or capacitive, the key is the trick used inside computer power supplies, frequency multiplication. If you up the frequency and can get the mating pieces reasonably close together, then losses will disappear. Considering the reasonably large area on a laptop, capacitive charging seems a no-brainer. Just put a x20 frequency multiplier on the incoming mains power, that will allow you to use a tiny transformer to drop the voltage down to 30V, then two matched insulated foil sheets will make the connection.
MisterQED, Feb 18 2010

       I've always thought mains AC frequency should go up by quite a lot anyway. I mean I can SEE 50Hz out of the corner of my eye every day. Even 100Hz would mean massive gains in efficiency and falls in annoyingness.
bs0u0155, Feb 18 2010


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